Mini 0803 first impression:

Judge Roy Bean

New Member
Aug 20, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Right, I had only just received the mini 0803 two days ago and installed it today. Installation was fast, smooth and professional taking no more the ten minutes at most to install.

I began running the unit indoors via USB to computer to do an initial adjust of menu settings and used the built in menu choices To format card, time date/stamp and other settings.

A quick install on the windscreen and it works like a charm. No shaking, drooping or other issues I have read about. If there were only one thing to make life a tad easier would be a quick way to display video and sat position view to iphone with iOS 7.1 operating system for easier viewing and evidence delivery without having to turn over your SD Flash as evidence to the local constable,

Everything plays back wonderfully so far. But mind you, it has been but one day and I prefer a good six months testing prior to laying the gavel for a full endorsement. Therefore the mini 0803 is released on its own recognicense until any faulty action may result in a warrant being issued by this court for further investigation.

(Gavel,gavel, gavel)

Next case...........
Thanks for posting a positive thread in the Mini 0803 forum :)

"No shaking, drooping or other issues I have read about." - Not many people are reporting the normal lack of problems, makes it hard to judge the real reliability, although reports of wobbly bases seem to have died off now leaving only a few minor issues plus the mute issue.
I had my 0803 for a week before it started giving trouble, then I got frozen start screen with screaming noise which I was unable to stop, just had to let the battery go flat. I have had problems with it not starting when the ignition is turned on, but then starts 5 minutes later and then when the ignition is turned off it carries on recording ( but it does not actually record anything) until the battery goes flat. Long press on the start button did not achieve anything. So I have sent it back to China for a refund, I am very disappointed but perhaps I'll try again when the firmware is sorted out.
I had my 0803 for a week before it started giving trouble, then I got frozen start screen with screaming noise which I was unable to stop, just had to let the battery go flat. I have had problems with it not starting when the ignition is turned on, but then starts 5 minutes later and then when the ignition is turned off it carries on recording ( but it does not actually record anything) until the battery goes flat. Long press on the start button did not achieve anything. So I have sent it back to China for a refund, I am very disappointed but perhaps I'll try again when the firmware is sorted out.

We may have the same problem. See the first problem in my thread:

If you press the power button long enough (20-30 seconds) you can turn it off. At the beginning I was thinking maybe I had to let the battery run out. I figured it out after a while.

It appears that this problem is not uncommon. I may return my 0803 to Amazon for a refund.
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The Mini 0803 can work reliably, I have had mine installed since 20th June and after over 2 months it is still going strong. I have had none of the issues with reliability mentioned on this forum, despite using the camera every day, and now that I have firmware that fixes the mute bug I am very happy. This doesn't help all those that have had issues but I thought it useful to post a positive in defence of the camera.
Great to hear you are enjoying the Mini 0803 and sharing your experience!

Many people do have Mini 0803s that work very reliably. Only those that have a problem post it on this forum, so there is always a bias towards issues if you only read everything on here.
