Mini 0803 - Switching off after engine turn off


Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mini 0803, B40/A118
Hi All,

My hardwired, E-Prance mini 0803 is now having this behaviour since some time now...

Engine Runninig - Recording OK - Screen OFF...All OK
Engine Off - Screen Turns ON...And powers down after around 10 seconds

Even though the battery is full & Power Off setting are 1 or 5 min
It seems to ignore what ever settings I have & still powers off after 10 secs
(Looks like a normal shutdown, with its shutdown music..and no errors about low battery)

I can even power on & use, the device just on its battery. So battery does not seem to be an issue.

Any thoughts folks ?

I vaguely remember, it was ok at the start, then I started flashing various firmwares, now back to "stock", but still have this power off issue.

Not a huge problem, but I would like to record for as long as the battery lasts after parking...
I only had my 0803 since Monday (2days) but my testing so far has shown both behaviours. Sometimes the camera powers off fully in 10-15 seconds or so but sometimes the screen turns off after 10 seconds but recording continues for about 1 min.
Once the Mini 0803 detects that the power is cut off through the power adaptor, it will turn off it self, unless you hardwire it to a constant power source.

this is what it's meant to do, it's not meant to run on batteries
Once the Mini 0803 detects that the power is cut off through the power adaptor, it will turn off it self, unless you hardwire it to a constant power source.

Thanks for the clarification !
But I can currently power on the device, just on battery and it starts recording happily. So maybe this feature to "continue recording on battery for X minutes after external power turned off" is technically possible ?
Technically possible perhaps, not really practical though, they're not designed to work like this, the battery is there purely for file save and shutdown, better cameras don't even have batteries inside