Mini2 losing Date and Time Overlay on recordings


New Member
Jul 27, 2024
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United States
My Mini2 loses date and time overlay on recordings each time it is powered off. I have to reconnect to it through the Drive app then date and time overlay is recorded until the next time it is powered off.

I suspect after 2 years the super capacitors are faulty. I see on this website where the mini2 was disassembled. Does anyone have experience with this or replacing the super capacitors? The super capacitors are available through Mouser.

Many Thanks.
I doubt it has anything to do with the super capacitor. More likely it has not been able to connect to the drive app in a while. This is the only way of keeping correct date/time. Here is something that may be relevant:
It may have a small watch cell battery (like CR2032) for the real-time clock. It won't be the super capacitor.
I connect to the camera with the drive app almost daily. In the snapshot below there is no date and time overlay recorded next to the word GARMIN. Once I connect to the camera with the drive app my recordings have date and time overlay until I turn off the car and the camera no longer has power. Next time I start the car my recordings won't have date and time overlay unless I connect again with the drive app. it is a pain to have to connect with the drive app everytime i want to go somewhere in the car.

So I guess the question is what keeps the date and time when the camera loses power?
As far as I know there is no RTC or battery. Hence the need for phone connection from time to time to sync the date/time.
Does the app show a timestamp in the recording listings and is it correct?
The date is correct but the time is not.
If I pull the sd card and check it on a pc, likewise the mp4 file date is correct but the time matches the recordings listing which is wrong.
Here is another idea. Make sure the app has enough permissions, especially location.