Mirror cam with rear/reversing camera option?


New Member
Mar 16, 2015
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United Kingdom
Hello, I recently tried a Monkon mirror cam with a rear camera that was also a reversing camera, and overall it was ok for the cost of £45, the only problem being that it stopped working after a couple of weeks and the night vision was non-existent.
I like the idea of the over-mirror camera as it is not as noticeable as a suction mounted dashcam, and I don't want to be hooking/unhooking a camera a dozen times a day as I work.
Otherwise I would need a stealth camera of some sort, and I can't see that being able to be used with a reversing camera.
I realise that I will have to spend more to get something with decent night vision and reliability.
As it seems to be such a minefield of rubbish, good stuff and clones out there, can anyone suggest a reliable good quality mirror camera that has the option of having a reversing camera being hooked up?
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this product category is almost exclusively rubbish, any of the no name Chinese stuff is going to be flawed, there's a Korean clipon from memory that's ok, can't recall the model number, @niko might be the one to ask
Thanks, I won't be buying the Chinese no-name stuff again, I know you produce some great cameras, but I would just as soon be able to record front and rear and not have two rear cameras, one for reversing and one for recording, and you and other reputable people do not seem to be doing that as of yet.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
I'll never do a clip on mirror, they're not legal in our market, actually they're not legal in most markets so not really a good business case for us to do one
That's a good reason! Even if there was one with a separate screen, not a clip on, that would do, but all the good quality dual channel ones seem to have no screen or such a tiny one that it would not be any good for reversing.
I do reverse cameras as well, not something I talk about here of course, really a good reverse camera and a DVR are two different products, attempts to combine them into one product have so far not been that great
So the reason I may be bleary-eyed looking for this product is that it may not exist? (yet)
In another thread, I was thinking about this, too. Explore sites that supply cams for buses, tractor-trailers, fire trucks, and cop cars. A LOT pricier, less pixels, but built, some of them, almost to mil-spec toughness. Few to none random failures.

You'll have to buy a central unit, cameras, either SD cards or DVD recordables. The advantage to having cameras separate from the central unit is it opens up a world of choices. Anything from pinhole spy cams to LED equipped night vision cameras.

Of COURSE, it's bulkier, and connecting-disconnecting becomes a ritual you may eventually abandon. Thieves, however, may think you are undercover police, and shun the vehicle. (grin) Three or four fake radio antennae on the trunk would reinforce this illusion.

I'm still looking to see if I can find a central unit that lets you selectively monitor with a miniature LED entertainment TV as a backup camera system.

Probably, eventually, spend $700 or more, but have an awesome system. Here's one to start looking. http://www.safetyvision.com/law-enforcement/?gclid=CILphK29yMQCFYMjgQod3WcADA Four channels. Forward. Backward. Front seat. Back seat. I'm sure there's more. Still looking.
Most big trucks have cargo. boxes, or trailers that eliminate a need or use for an interior rear view mirror. That will probably means few if any truck stop type shops will carry a rear view mirror cam.
Well, whatever your strategy, I hope it works for you.