MiVeu Manager not showing video


New Member
May 12, 2019
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Hi, I have encountered a problem when I try to play back dash cam footage from my Navman MiVue 850 dash camera on my pc. When I try to view the footage there is no video, however the file appears to be playing. There is activity on the playback progress bar, there is audio and the gps and the force indication is working. I have contacted Navman who requested a video file to be tested which they were able to playback no problem. I have tried installing the K-Lite codec pack as they suggested and even performed a clean installation of windows 10. I can play the videos fine with every other media software on my pc, vlc, windows media player etc. and the files also play when using the dash cam itself. It just wont play correctly in the MiVue Manager on my pc. I have updated the MiVue Manager to the latest version and even tried using an earlier version as at one point I was able to use their software without a problem. Nothing I have tried has worked. One of the earlier versions was able to play video but without sound. New versions play sound without video. Interestingly, during playback (of a black screen with only audio) I am still able to take screen captures using the MiVue Manager.
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So I just found the program Dashcam Viewer on this website and it works fine. I will forget MiVue Manager and purchase Dashcam Viewer. I tested the free version and everything works as expected, but it has a much less clunky interface with loads of more features.