
Yes, thanks for the info, I'm familiar with the FAQ. Not really looking for a list of authorized resellers.

This company doesn't show up in the FAQ and I'm trying to find out if anyone has any experience dealing with this firm.

Thanks again for trying to help and replying so quickly.

I'm simply trying to find out if anyone has had any experience with this vendor before I order something from them.

Although it's a Mobius related product it isn't a Mobius (I already have one) but rather an accessory that no other vendor seems to list. Specifically the nifty magnetic mounting kit they carry.
Jokiin - odd, you make it sound as though I needed your permission to ask a question.
Jokiin - odd, you make it sound as though I needed your permission to ask a question.

you don't need anyone's permission, guess you misunderstood what I wrote if that's what you got out of it

for the cameras they're very restricted as to who gets supplied to the point where they state if it's not someone that's listed as an authorised seller it likely to be a fake, you're talking about an accessory though which some of the accessories are made by 3rd parties anyway, ie; if it's not the camera then fair enough (what I posted doesn't matter in this case)