Mobius B Lens Small AOV Vs Large AOV setting.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2013
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United Kingdom
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I suspect with a small amount of video frame integration and realignment the number plate would be readable.If you could crop the video so you have a couple of seconds either side of the frame shown and resave it at the highest resolution, you could use a programme like Registax v6 to integrate some frames together to improve the signal to noise ratio and resolution

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I have B lens on my Mobius. Reason for choosing this was to have larger view of what is happening in front of my car. I read this:
and I decided to buy B version of Mobius. However, I was disappointed that I got the same results as you: no focus for the added area in the view. At first I thought that it is because of distortions from the curve of my windshield, but two days ago I took some clips out of the car and I can clearly see that it is not like Tom Frank said in the above post: " excellent image corner-to-corner sharpness, contrast, and color uniformity...".
Interesting comparisons again Jim. (Here I was thinking the B lens left the A for dead at night - but not if you can't read plates!)

You should investigate a polarising filter to reduce the dash reflections- it's worked well with my A lens Mobius. However, the B lens may pose problems finding a suitable filter- due to it's larger size and field of view? You'd also need to remove it at night.