Mobius C2 failure (for no apparent reason)

May 15, 2016
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Mobius C2 c/w super capacitor/Mobius 1s C2
Dashmellow suggested I post this here, so here goes. I have a Mobius C2 which is approx. 5-6 years old. It has worked perfectly up until now. I have used it primarily for a camera on my ball hat during vacations (with the help of velcro on the peak of the cap and on the camera) Okay, now that it's the Stanley cup finals, I thought that I would secure it to my RC car which I take down to the rink here in Edmonton to help drum up support for the Oilers. I made a test run yesterday, and all was well. Both video and photo mode were working properly. Once I came home and viewed the results on the computer I decided to alter the angle of the camera a little bit, so I removed it and stuck a wedge under it to raise up the front. I re-installed it on the RC car and for reasons that are beyond me, it no longer works. I pushed all buttons dozens of times, including the re-set button, all to no avail. I even plugged it into the computer and ran through the set-up procedure by Isoprop and Tom Frank, but again, no luck. I was starting to lose faith in it, but before I actually sledge hammered it, the photo mode started working. So at the present time, the photo mode works, but the video modes do not. Even though I ordered the new version, 1s C2 on Ebay, it won't get here until the finals are over. Can anybody offer a suggestion as to what may have happened? The only one I can come up with is that I cranked the zip ties down too hard. Nothing else comes to mind. Thank you...