Mobius Config Setup Question


New Member
Aug 29, 2013
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New York
United States
Dash Cam
Mobuis,808#16,MD80,i1000 Dual Lens DVR Camera Clone
Hello, I just joined the DashcamTalk community this is my first post. How do I change the settings in my Mobius system configuration file to autostart in 1080P mode? Thank you for your help in advance.
Coffedude, yes welcome to the forum..if you would search for mobius you would find a topic dedicated for it where config is mentioned several times. Please go to get a manual and you will know what to do if you are a mac, android or win user.
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Hi drh,
Thank you for your reply. I read the "Instruction Manual for the Mobius ActionCam" as you suggested. Unfortunately the answer to my question could not be found in the "Mobius instruction manual."

My Mobius question:

When my Mobius camera detects power in autostart mode, the camera defaults to 720P video recording.
How do I get the camera to record in 1080P in autostart mode and not default to 720P video recording?
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
When Mobius camera detects power in autostart mode, switched mode 1, you need to set your preferred Video Frame Rate 1080P in mode 1.

"If the camera has been configured with "Auto Power-On Record" set to ON, the camera will automatically begin recording in Mode 1 as soon as the power button is pressed or external power is connected. If the recording LED has been disabled, the yellow LED will blink 3 times and then turn off, indicating that recording has started. Otherwise the yellow LED will slowly flash at 2 second intervals indicating that the camera is recording." See the MobiusManual.pdf on
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Hi Iincent,
Thank you for your quick reply to my Mobuis question. My camera still defaults to 720P on autostart up. I do not know what I am doing wrong? All of my other sys.config changes work fine: date/time,autostart,movie loop and movie flip.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks for all your help.
See all my current sys.config settings below:

Date time=[2013/08/30-05:14:12];date time setting,format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss

Video Mode 1 resolution=[1];Movie resolution setting,1:1080p,0:720p
Video Mode 1 Frame Rate=[2];Movie frame rate setting,1:60fps (only for 720p), 2:30fps
Video Mode 2 resolution=[1];Movie resolution setting,0:1080p,1:720p
Video Mode 2 Frame Rate=[1];Movie frame rate setting,1:60fps (only for 720p),2:30fps

Photo Mode Capture Size=[0];set photo size,0:2304x1536,1:1920x1080,2:1280x720
Set Time Lapse Shooting=[0],0:off,1:0.25s,2:0.5s,3:1s,4:2s,5:5s,6:10s,7:30s,8:60s

Movie cycle time=[2];movie cycle time,0:3 minutes,1:5 minutes,2:10 minutes,3:15 minutes,4:max to 4G byte,
Movie Loop Recording=[1];set loop recording on or off,0:off,1:on,
Time stamp=[1];set date/time stamp on or off,0:off,1:on,
Movie sound=[1];set movie sound,0:mute,1:on,
Movie Flip=[1];set movie rotate,0:off,1:on,
Movie quality=[1];set movie quality,set movie data rate,0:Super,1:Standard,2:Low,
Movie high dynamic range=[0];set movie high dynamic range,0:off,1:on,

Power on=[1];set system power on time,0:delay,1:fast
Power off=[1];set system auto power off time when system pending,0:off,1:30 seconds,2:1 minutes,3:2 minutes,
Auto Record=[1];set connect or disconnect with power to start or stop video recording automatically,,0:off,1:on,
LED=[1];set LED flicker when recording,0:off,1:on,
Charge from USB Host=[0]; when connecting with USB host, charge camera or not,0:on,1:off

TV out=[0];set Tv out,0:NTSC,1:PAL,
TV Display Ratio=[0];set display ratio,0:4*3,1:16*9

{TLCAM MOV:TLCAM Mobius ActionCam 2013/07/30 v0.39}
if I understand that correctly (quite possible I don't as it's not a model I've used) but if you have the frame rate set to 60fps that would force it back to 720p, I'd try adjusting your frame rate to 30fps to get 1080p working

sorry strike that, read it wrong, can you explain the 2 movie modes it offers? Maybe set them both to 1080p30 and see if any different
Hi jokin,
I changed the frame rate to 30fps. still defaults to 720P video recording. Thanks for your suggestion.
CoffeeDude said:
Hi jokin,
I changed the frame rate to 30fps. still defaults to 720P video recording. Thanks for your suggestion.

what's the difference between Video Mode 1 and Video Mode 2, I see one is set to 1080p but the other is 720p, when does each mode apply? Did you try those both set at 1080p30?
My SYSCFG.TXT looks different than your:

Date time=[2013/08/30-19:26:57];date time setting,format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
Video Mode 1 resolution=[0];Movie resolution setting,0:1080p,1:720p
Video Mode 1 Frame Rate=[2];Movie frame rate setting,1:60fps (only for 720p), 2:30fps
Video Mode 2 resolution=[1];Movie resolution setting,0:1080p,1:720p
Video Mode 2 Frame Rate=[1];Movie frame rate setting,1:60fps (only for 720p),2:30fps
Photo Mode Capture Size=[0];set photo size,0:2304x1536,1:1920x1080,2:1280x720
Set Time Lapse Shooting=[0],0:off,1:0.25s,2:0.5s,3:1s,4:2s,5:5s,6:10s,7:30s,8:60s
Movie cycle time=[1];movie cycle time,0:3 minutes,1:5 minutes,2:10 minutes,3:15 minutes,4:max to 4G byte,
Movie Loop Recording=[0];set loop recording on or off,0:off,1:on,
Time stamp=[1];set date/time stamp on or off,0:off,1:on,
Movie sound=[1];set movie sound,0:mute,1:on,
Movie Flip=[0];set movie rotate,0:off,1:on,
Movie quality=[0];set movie quality,set movie data rate,0:Super,1:Standard,2:Low,
Movie high dynamic range=[0];set movie high dynamic range,0:off,1:on,
Power on=[1];set system power on time,0:delay,1:fast
Power off=[2];set system auto power off time when system pending,0:off,1:30 seconds,2:1 minutes,3:2 minutes,
Auto Record=[0];set connect or disconnect with power to start or stop video recording automatically,,0:off,1:on,
LED=[1];set LED flicker when recording,0:off,1:on,
Charge from USB Host=[0]; when connecting with USB host, charge camera or not,0:on,1:off
TV out=[1];set Tv out,0:NTSC,1:PAL,
TV Display Ratio=[0];set display ratio,0:4*3,1:16*9
{TLCAM MOV:TLCAM Mobius ActionCam 2013/08/23 v0.44}

Correct the second line as me. I've highlighted the differences. You have made changes to the comments, this is a mistake. Only need to change the values ​​in square brackets. Let me know if helped
Hi Iincent,
Thanks for your help. I corrected the second line as you suggested still no Mobius love!!! : :?
CoffeeDude said:
Hi Iincent,
Thanks for your help. I corrected the second line as you suggested still no Mobius love!!! : :?

Try to load the modified SYSCFG.TXT on the camera, and then upload from the camera.
Look, save the changes? If the configuration is changed, it should work.
At 720/60 smaller angle of view, the time stamp large. At 720/30 wide angle of view, time stamp large. At the 1080/30 wide angle of view, time stamp small. However, you have firmware 0.39, you can upgrade the firmware.
Re-read the third post Tom Frank ... ostcount=3 , can find a solution or an error.
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On the rcgroups forum, there's a link to the program that makes changing settings and updating your Möbius incredibly easy.

Check the first few posts
Hello, I just joined the DashcamTalk community this is my first post. How do I change the settings in my Mobius system configuration file to autostart in 1080P mode? Thank you for your help in advance.

PC or MAC computer? Very important.