Mobius Firmware Versions: choices, choices


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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United States
Dash Cam
Mobius A & C, SJ4000, M10, Mini 0806, Innovv C3,4, Xiaomi Yi
I've owned my Mobius for about 10 months now and am as happy with it now as I was day one. It has yet to let me down and continues to impress me. When I bought mine, it came with v0.59 installed and the performance was very good, day and night. Well now, we are up to v2.10 and we have a lot of new features and choices. There have been so many upgrades in the last year, it's too much to list. Who knew how versatile this little camera could be? A huge thanks to @Isoprop, Tom Frank and therau2000 for all their hard work, for keeping the upgrades coming steadily and keeping us guessing as to what they're going to give us next. Another huge thanks to @Isoprop for his support of this forum.

After reading so many posts about the different performance from older firmwares, I decided to temporarily go back to what I think may be the sweet spot. So, I put my Mobius back to v0.059, because even though I'm really impressed with all that v2.10 has, I wasn't impressed with the newer night performance.

Here's my take on the different versions
V0.59 is the sweet spot. Day performance: Very Good, Night performance: the Best yet. For me v0.59 had the sharpest, most reliable night performance. Yes it wasn't without problems. There was color shifting and start up issues and even card compatibility issues, yet for me they were very minor. I even liked the saturated colors.

V1.13 was one of the two "Big Steps" and rightfully so, it brought big changes, namely Motion Detect. Gone were the saturated colors, replaced by a more natural color and user selectable choices, a bunch of them. Everything seemed more polished and really well thought out. For me v1.13 didn't fix the color shifting and I liked the previous colors, so except for Motion Detect, v1.13 wasn't so big for me. The only real problem in v1.13 was the card compatibility issues that was now affecting more users. Thankfully my SanDisk worked great.

V1.17 was the"Fix", the quickly introduced firmware to fix the card compatibility issues and showing the development team listens. And for those having card issues, it did fix them. The only problem was that the people that previously didn't have card issues and upgraded to v1.17 were now having them. Most people on v1.13, that weren't having card issues just skipped this version.

V1.20 was the "Fix of the Fix" with a surprise. V1.20 fixed everything and proved that the Mobius team is one of the best. The surprise came in the form of a new setting: WDR Low Light, which for some was now the best low light performance of all time and for me, not quite. Low light brought flashing at night from different, changing lighting entering the scene. Some scenes were brighter yet the flashing was distracting.

V2.10 was the second "Big Step" and the development team really showed what they could do with this one. If you asked for something in the past and it was possible, it's in this version. I have to say v2.10 truly showed the development team was listening and delivered. There are too many options to list and gave the user more control. The key change for me was truly having 2-3 user programmable modes that had almost every option you could want and you could control on the camera using the mode button. The start up performance for me was now flawless. The only problem was the night time performance was at it's worse for me. Looking back, it was slowly getting worse after v0.59.

I'm hoping they improve the night performance, that's the only thing that I think needs to be improved. Isoprop had mentioned that the developer reads the forums, so I figured rather than pulling all the different firmware posts from different places, we could use this to share your favorite firmware so far, which one your using now and what still is needing to be improved. Right now I'm keeping v0.59 for the night performance and really missing the Motion Detect. I'm happy I have so many usable, good choices in firmware versions to choose from
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I tried v2.1 but noticed the cam wasn't recording. Plugging into a monitor, I saw "memory error".
I don't think the new version likes the 64gig card!
I tried v2.1 but noticed the cam wasn't recording. Plugging into a monitor, I saw "memory error".
I don't think the new version likes the 64gig card!
With v2.10 you need to format the 64gb cards in the camera, exFat is no longer supported.
With v2.10 you need to format the 64gb cards in the camera, exFat is no longer supported.
Yeah, I'd read that somewhere - but the computer wouldn't see the camera to view files or when I opened up the mobius prog.
Had to revert to older firmware, format the card in the computer THEN format the card in sd formatter.
With v2.10 you need to format the 64gb cards in the camera, exFat is no longer supported.
But will be back in the next version - maybe later today... Sorry, not today minor error needs correcting...
Unfortunately, time has been too short for me to test exFAT, but FAT32 in an intermediate version (>v2.10) worked really well with 64GB cards.
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It was discussed lots and then the four way videos by Odi really showed a difference between the versions. Shame he disappeared as they were great!

I've tried loads of versions now but I can live with 2.10 for now as I really like the time-lapse side of things.

Looking forward to seeing what the new firmware brings :)

This was a 17 min night clip I did on my hols - you can see the AGC stuff kicking in hard from 14:30 onwards when it's dark and you can see it's pulling information that you wouldn't see with earlier firmwares - it's swings and roundabouts but this was 2.10 and I wouldn't say it was bad?

I actually had a load of settings tweaked on 2.10 for that clip (sharpness 20, contrast 20, saturation 20, colour vivid although from reading the 2.18 release notes that contrast was ignored anyway) and half of me wonders if maybe 2.10 could match the older versions after tweaking, but it's because you need to find what baseline settings those early firmwares used for sharpness, contrast, saturation and so on maybe? They were all boosted for that clip above. I'm getting tempted to buy another Mobius with the standard lens though so I can do some more side by sides (I have a B lens coming for something else I'm trying :) )

One thing I did notice after going through loads of Niko's clips is that in proper dark clips it looks like a lot of the Aptina based cameras actually drop resolution at night compared to the Panorama - it's a strange one.
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Just installed the just released v2.18 onto one of my Mobius'. Guess GJHS will have to add this new one to his post after we get to test it out. I've been anxiously awaiting the first update to the v2.xx level of firmware as the first iteration of most any firmware often needs some tweeking .
Installed v2.18 too. No more flashing street lights when using WDR Low light (High-Data-Rate) for me. : )
I also like the new file locking logic.

Edit: Forgot to say that Low light seems to be darker than before, but you can easily fix that (e.g. in vlc) by bumping the gamma.
Here are a few screenshots: raw images and the "enhanced" ones.
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They look great - I left in the settings that I used for the video above and the video has come out really badly - I wonder if it's because the contrast setting is now working or whether it's my headlights causing this problem (that last clip was done in a car with dim halogen lights) and this new one is xenons.

This is an unlisted clip so it won't come up in any search results:

I've reset the camera to standard settings again now so will give it another go sometime.
Dashcam Viewer has brightness and contrast sliders that can be adjusted on the fly which is quite handy for bringing out details

Edit: referring to the Windows version
I've been having issues with my Kingston Class 10 64GB card in a Mobius B using V2.10
At same time I have been running a Kingston 32GB card in a Mobius A using V2.10 NO ISSUES.

In the couple of days testing prior to setting off on a 3+ hours of driving [ Holidays ] the B lense with the 64 card seemed sluggish at fireing up compared to the A with the 32 card when messing with it connected to the PC [for reviewing video and the like]

Anyway day one [both hard wired to record and stop on ignition]


B lense failed to perform at all.

went slate trail walking from holiday cottage, no car journeys, charged both cams with a wall charger.

It worked OK, 140 minutes video

Had a "curve ball" moment that clouded the issuse when both cams suddenly stopped recording. Having shut down set to 10 seconds, I stopped engine in traffic light queue, THEN fired it up again whilst obviously still in shutting down mode hence cams confused and did not record the journey.

but a couple of days later, would miss saving a clip., would at some point in time reset the date and time back to 01/01/2010

again another day, would fail to save a last clip, or miss a clip altogether on a short journey it journey was less than the 5 minute clip setting. And again rest the date and time back to 01/01/2010

was wanting to do elimination testing, but wife on my case.............Hello we are on Holiday !..........since when did having cams become a must have requirement ?

Friday night, her indoors is making dinner, I thought I'd swap 64 GB card to A cam in the rear, B cam 32GB in front to see if fault followed the card or the cam

Saturday five hour scenic drive from North Wales to Gloucestershire, problems insued

Front cam stopped recording after 123 minutes, that evening investigations revealed I had not infact swapped the cards correctly [between food courses] 64 was in B cam in front. It worked OK and saved last clip OK at stop two [120 minutes of video]
But that was the last video it took, I only realised this 120 minutes later [240 minutes videoing time later]

So I swapped the A cam 32GB to the front and completed the journey [290 minutes of video driving time seamlesly recorded on the A cam 32GB . Six stops in a 410 minute journey start to finish, 290 of which actual driving tme]

I'm still of the opinion it is a card or charging issue not a cam issue, I'm thinking the 64 is consuming more juice than the 32. There is no rating data for the converter cables I'm using, I bought as bought by others and no issues reported. That said those other users are using A lense Mobs on 32GB cards.

Anyway first day back with an internet connection I see there is a firmware update. So updated to 2.18 and see how we go on.

Have done 700 minutes of hard wired videoing on the A lense 32 GB with no issues, since charging both cams on a wall socket charger rated at 500 ma [I know it should be a 1000ma charger but it is all I have avaliable right now] May be a case of me needing to find more substantial hardwire kit.
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hi guy updated to fw v2.18 i carnt play or get the mov from the mobius? thanks
But will be back in the next version - maybe later today... Sorry, not today minor error needs correcting...
Unfortunately, time has been too short for me to test exFAT, but FAT32 in an intermediate version (>v2.10) worked really well with 64GB cards.

I have 64 GB SanDisk Ultra exFAT, works ok in 2.18......
format with mint Linux now works great !!
I have 64 GB SanDisk Ultra exFAT, works ok in 2.18......
If it works OK with you then that's fine. Unfortunately, during my stress-testing with loop recording ALL my 64GB test cards formatted with exFAT had a problem at some point after the card was filled. FAT32 is extremely stable, exFAT is not. Altogether I tested for over well over 1000 hours. You may be lucky and have a better card than mine, who knows?