Mobius Future Firmware


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
Kingston on Thames
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mobius B (x2) & A119
From the words of Tom Frank at RCGroups (slightly edited as appropriate). Note that the current firmware (v0.61) probably represents the end of Step 1.

"Step 2 FW ... will have many image quality user toggles that will impact video, still image, video out, and webcam output.

Step 3 FW has plans to add a faster frame rate, which will also benefit an action cam for slow motion effects".

Further details to follow when available.
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FW v0.61 is not saving locally but saves another v0.59 file.

Tom Frank on RC Groups says:
"Please don't comment further on the FW download issue. I'll fix it later. For now stick with the FW you have... you camera will work OK. It's a holiday here and I have house guests all afternoon."
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FW v0.61 is not saving locally but saves another v0.59 file.

Tom Frank on RC Groups says:
"Please don't comment further on the FW download issue. I'll fix it later. For now stick with the FW you have... you camera will work OK. It's a holiday here and I have house guests all afternoon."
I fully understand the confusion. We tested various different v0.59 versions and, unfortunately, Tom first posted the incorrect version. Since the GUI expects the files to be named #.## it won't accept any other naming conventions.
So, in order for the GUI to realize that there is a newer version for those who had already downloaded the incorrect v0.59 version he named it v0.61.
In reality, v0.61 doesn't exist, so the GUI will always inform you that there is a newer version available for download :(
When Tom has the time, I think it would be best for him to rename the file to v0.59 and ask users to check the compile date shown in the GUI next to the firmware version in the main camera selection window.
The correct firmware is shown as follows: 2013/11/22 v0.59. Any other v0.59 versions must be replaced with the version date stamped 2013/11/22.
I heard that there is some limit for the file name of this kind of firmware, kind of format, is it true?
I heard that there is some limit for the file name of this kind of firmware, kind of format, is it true?
I don't know if you're talking about the actual name of the firmware file like jokiin posted in the previous post and which is important, or the length of the video file the firmware produces or even the file system used, which could, theoretically also play a role.
jokiin has already answered the part about the firmware file name so I'll answer the other possibilities.
The firmware file must be named FWTLCAM.BIN. All other files will be ignored for a firmware update for the reason already posted.
The bootloader file must be named LDTLCAM.BIN. All other files will be ignored for a firmware update. A bootloader update is very rare.
Video files will always be kept less than 4GB in length. This is because of the max. file limit imposed by the FAT32 file system.
The camera also supports exFAT but, although this file system allows for larger files, the file lengths will still be kept to less than 4GB.
You cannot update the firmware from a card formatted in exFAT. All other functions work as expected.
Video files are currently named in the following format 'REC_####.MOV', photo files in the format 'IMAG####.JPG'. If the file name counter exceeds 9999 then a new folder will be created, for example 101HDDVR, and the file numbering will start again from 0001. The theoretical max. file limit is therefore over 9 million files, but the file allocation table will most likely be screwed up by then.
Normally, SD cards with a capacity of 64GB and greater are formatted in exFAT. All other cards are formatted in FAT32. There's nothing stopping you manually formatting the cards differently, but only FAT, FAT32 and exFAT are supported by the Mobius. Very small SD cards are formatted in FAT, but this standard is barely used today.
I hope one of these answers is what you are looking for. I don't know what other limits you may be referring to.
Q. Will there also be adjustments on the auto white balance and on a smoother exposure adjustments. IMHO the AWB on the Keycam is better adjusted or does the hardware make that impossible?

A. (Tom Frank). Multiple WB settings are planned, as well as a user defined gains for RGB, BUT, these are just plans at this point. They may not all perform up to expectations, so no promises. I don't know about "smoother" exposure... it's not that bad to me right now. But over/under exposures settings are planned.

The #16 "keycam" had the exact same color shifting issue like the Mobius does when it was new, and it took some time to understand how the DSP chip functioned to work out stability solutions. The Mobius hardware is much more capable and sophisticated, and very new as well. Learning how it functions is a whole new ball game, so solutions will take time as well.
Q. Will there also be adjustments on the auto white balance and on a smoother exposure adjustments. IMHO the AWB on the Keycam is better adjusted or does the hardware make that impossible?

A. (Tom Frank). Multiple WB settings are planned, as well as a user defined gains for RGB, BUT, these are just plans at this point. They may not all perform up to expectations, so no promises. I don't know about "smoother" exposure... it's not that bad to me right now. But over/under exposures settings are planned.

The #16 "keycam" had the exact same color shifting issue like the Mobius does when it was new, and it took some time to understand how the DSP chip functioned to work out stability solutions. The Mobius hardware is much more capable and sophisticated, and very new as well. Learning how it functions is a whole new ball game, so solutions will take time as well.
Unfortunately, I can't post too much information because 1. the parameters may change, and 2. we don't want to give the competition a head start ;)
What I can say is that the Advanced image settings contain at an absolute minimum the same settings as in the #16.
I don't know what limits the hardware imposes on the 'smoother' exposure, but to some extent it's definitely under program control. However it's apparently not at all easy to get right under all lighting conditions, so some compromise will have to be made. I have made tests in bad lighting, and a 'smoother' exposure just isn't possible.
Because of the all the modifications/corrections added since v0.47, development of step 2 is way behind schedule. There are so many minute details that need to be considered. Like the area of the lens that is captured when in Wide (large) or Narrow (small) FOV (AOV) under different frame rates and if rotated or not. This all has to be programmed and tested! There is still an issue with one setting not capturing the center of the lens but rather the top right area. This only happens when the video is rotated. Normally, these types of details go unnoticed, but not so with the Mobius!
These types of issue are most likely not important to the majority of users, but they are there, so the firmware isn't perfect and that has to be corrected :)
The help in the next Windows GUI will show a table listing the different Field of Views (FOV) when using the wide and narrow settings which will make the setting easier to understand.

I think I've deviated from your original question - sorry about that, I was just trying to show that these things take time and can't be expected to happen overnight. It takes ages for good firmware to ripen.
Questions by Knoppers. Answers by Tom Frank.

Q1. Multiple manual white balance settings?

A1. Multiple WB settings for different light conditions are planned. They will be fixed settings that can be manually toggled. The "Lens Option" toggle now in the FW gives a different autoWB setting for the different lens characteristics.

Q2. improved auto white balance?

A2. Hopefully!

Q3. If the developers adjust the AWB, do you just change the mentioned above RGB gains or is that more complicated?

A3. I have no idea. There is a user-toggled Custom RGB setting planned, but it's not functional yet. I've noticed that WB in bright light is different from WB in shadow areas, so I doubt any one fixed setting WB setting is going be ideal either.
I think the Mobius reacts in 1 step on changes in the environment. I think this is too drastic. I estimate that actioncams like the Gopro Hero3 black edition take up to 5 seconds (!) to adjust auto exposure and up to 2-3 seconds (!) to adjust white balance. There are no noticable steps, just dimming and it is hard to find somebody complaining about it.
If you drive into a tunnel this might become too slow but for driving in low light conditions this might look much better and like a higher value cam, because people might not notice this as disturbing. And it looks more stable.

I am HD addicted and to my eyes this would look more professional and more pleasant.
Maybe you could put this on the GUI to select in 1 or more steps between slow and fast.

Is it planned to calm the white balance and the auto exposure?
From Tom Frank ( ) ...

" update on the planned Step2 major firmware upgrade that is still under development and being tested, but making good progress. An extensive set of new Advanced Image Quality settings will be incorporated in the FW and a new GUI tab will be incorporate so users can manipulate the settings. These will be for advanced users, and may confuse those who are less knowledgeable of basic photography variables. New features will include user configurability within every function. As always, the developer does not want to give too much advance information since it's proprietary at this point (given the growing competition) and it's still being refined, meaning there may be some limitations we aren't expecting right now and not included in the release FW.

So PLEASE, just bear with us while the development is in progress, and don't ask us when it will be ready, because WE DON"T KNOW! It will be released when it's done to the satisfaction of the developer, and not before. And this thread will be the first notice here when it's released, so stay tuned. But I can say the FW upgrades will Keep the Mobius well ahead of the competition with these new features."
From Tom Frank ( ) ...

" update on the planned Step2 major firmware upgrade that is still under development and being tested, but making good progress. An extensive set of new Advanced Image Quality settings will be incorporated in the FW and a new GUI tab will be incorporate so users can manipulate the settings. These will be for advanced users, and may confuse those who are less knowledgeable of basic photography variables. New features will include user configurability within every function. As always, the developer does not want to give too much advance information since it's proprietary at this point (given the growing competition) and it's still being refined, meaning there may be some limitations we aren't expecting right now and not included in the release FW.

So PLEASE, just bear with us while the development is in progress, and don't ask us when it will be ready, because WE DON"T KNOW! It will be released when it's done to the satisfaction of the developer, and not before. And this thread will be the first notice here when it's released, so stay tuned. But I can say the FW upgrades will Keep the Mobius well ahead of the competition with these new features."
During the final testing phase it's been decided to modify/add some important functionality! Since this also requires modifying the USB communication and the GUIs there will be a small delay, as Tom suggests.

Q. (by flykam). I may be missing something but how do we set it to record in 1080- 25p or 720 - 50P. Just got 1080p - 30p or 720 - 60P. 30p or 60p is useless for me as I am in a PAL country. My other cameras are on 25p and frame blending degrades the quality.

A. (by therau2000). Video recording at frame rates other than 30/60 fps and/or frame sizes other than 720p/1080p is planned in Step 3 firmware to be released sometime after Step 2 firmware.