mobius locks up when recording


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2013
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what reasons would cause my mobius to just lock up and the power light to remain on and the recording light to remain on solid and not respond to any button presses??
i have tried 2 different sd cards, tried different firmware versions and still does the same thing.
it will record for a little bit, random time up to a few minutes, then lock up.
i have to pull it apart and disconnect battery and put back on before i can use it again.
then when i look at the card all i have is a 0 byte file.
Are you restoring your settings or setting it up from scratch after updating?
Are you restoring your settings or setting it up from scratch after updating?
setting up from scratch each time
Battery or capacitor version?

What power supply?
battery version, just charge via usb port on computer, disconnect, start using, then locks up
na battery is ok
I would try once more with a different card, then a new battery and then a different power supply. If all fails, it has probably croaked.
Are you reformatting the card in the camera when you reset?

If you record with a USB power supply plugged in, does the same thing happen?
i will try reformatting the card, whats the best way of reformatting it for mobius? the fat32 formatter??
waiting for battery to fully charge then will test
i updated firmware, formatted card with the msetup and tried it once and worked ok so far, will see how it goes over the future.
Sometimes a reformat can clear issues with a card. The better dashcams prompt you to reformat on a regular basis.