Mobius 'losing' files/part files.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2013
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mobius x3, G1W held as spare.
Never noticed this problem until now - and recently I updated the camera.
Yesterday I came across an incident I put down to review (making a note of the time rather than locking file).
When I cam to review the footage, it was on the cusp of 2 clips - except it wasn't!

Clip one is REC 0670 modified 27/02/2015 08:53 (The cam has recorded everything prefectly for just over an hour up to this point)
Clip two is REC 0671 modified 27/02/2015 08:57

Now, the cam is set to record only 3 minute clips, it's stopped recording at 08:53 and started the next 3 minute clip at 08:54 (ending at 57), next clip ends at 09:03 then 09:11, 14, 17, 20 etc (skipping 6 mins then 8mins).
All goes well until clip 0687 ending at 09:55 where clip 0688 ends at 10:00 then 10:05, 08, 11 THEN 10:17, 10:21, 30, 36, 42
Then 11:20, 25, 54, 12:01,04, 11, 14. All goes well right up to 16:19, when suddenly the time jumps to 16:31 (modified at 16:34).

There doesn't seem to be any reason behind why recording would stop. The last files are 3 minutes long and the clips end uneventfully - not as though I went over a huge bump or pothole to disturb the power supply, and strange that the last clip is always 3 minutes long - I would expect any power supply problem to cut the clip short.
I can't remember exactly when I updated the camera but what remains of the previous day's footage all looks OK - although I didn't have anything worth noting for that last couple of hours.

My previous thread about the time being out would be when I last updated the cam.
That said, the time on my pc matches exactly the times on my watch and mobile phone yet the clips are still over a minute adrift.

Any thoughts?
Meanwhile, I'll format the card & refresh the settings.
What brand of card are you using and is it genuine? What you describe are the exact results a fake card can give you.
Have you tested your freshly formatted card with h2testw - it should give you zero errors?
It's the same card that I've used from day 1 - so well over 2000 hours' recording.
Just looked at the files saved to my PC and they are all VLC (mov). Presumably they were MOV when I copied them across?
I formatted the card in the cam the other day.
I've just plugged it in now to use the h2testw prog it would only test 51mb! pluged it in again & was told there was a problem & given the chance to scan & fix - this threw up no problems.
Just running another scan which looks like it will take about 1h37mins...
Yeah, h2 only managed about 51meg & threw a wobbly!
Fortunately, I've got a couple of spare 64 gig cards in other cams so trying them now.
@ Isoprop. It's kingston brand 64GB class 10
Hopefully your other cards will work. If h2testw shows errors there's definitely a problem with your card. I assume you're using an external card reader for your tests?
I don't know how long you've had your card, but it may still be under guarantee. Some card manufactures offer a lifetime guarantee - whatever that's worth.
Kingston 64GB cards are the best to use with the Mobius. All the same, all cards can fail at some time. 2000 hours is a lot of usage but not so long if you use it every day. I haven't tested any of my cards for this long. I stopped after about 2 months of continuous recording.
The card has definitely had it. h2test only managed to write 1 file. SD formatter doesn't even see the card.
I bought the card when I bought the Mobius so I reckon it's over a year old.
A kingston brand 64GB class 10 has a lifetime warranty. Ship it back to get it warrantied.

How do you keep track of hours on your mobius? Are you looking at your time card when driving?

It looks like your card had a premature death. However, I would expect that 5 years would be as long as a sd card would last in your conditions.

where are we with endurance now? - in 2013
Today's commodity 2D MLC flash has raw wear-out in the 2,000 to 3,000 write cycle range.
I use an app on my phone to keep track of all the hours I work. Lunchbreaks are unpaid. The camera runs from the moment I fire the engine first thing through to when I put the vehicle away last thing. The only time I turn it off is when I'm on lunchbreak.
Just looking at my sig in the above post. Mobius installed on 14th March so not even a year old.
Just wanted to add - I believe it was a fake. the writing on the card was barely legible, I put that down to excessive handling but I noticed all my other kingston cards have a colour on the raised portion used to pull the card (just bought 2 new cards) whereas this one doesn't. The printing on my other Kingston cards looks more vibrant, more permanent.