Mobius Twin Cam Plan. Thoughts?


Active Member
Feb 10, 2015
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mobius C Lens, Mini 0906, SG9663DC Pro, A229 Plus
Hi All,

Well my plan for bulk buying some Mini 0806's went south due to the others involved changing their minds. So now I'm swaying back towards a semi-permanent discreet solution.

Having read around on the Mobius and the new C lens here's what I'm planning.
Mobius unit velcro'd to the roof lining around the interior light/sunvisor
Lens extension lead trailing down to the rear view mirror
Lens either mounted on the mirror or it's mount (again with some way of detaching when needed)
Power eventually supplied from a hardwire job in the fusebox which is at the bottom of the a-pillar.
All in around £60-70 going by banggood's prices.

I was thinking along the same lines as above but then I was thinking how could I get to the buttons on the unit to lock a file when needed (such as the Royal Mail truck that though 4 inches off my bumper was safe on the motorway last night)
Would it be possible (or even feasible) to connect multiple extension leads together so as I could bring the main unit to the front of the car?
I have an estate so it would take a fair few extensions (approx. 3 metres)
Hiding that cable run would be the tricky bit - maybe a false headlining velcro'd over it down the centre of the car.
Or would you suggest a different unit altogether (around £100 or less).

Any thoughts on either of these set ups would be greatly appreciated.
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The longest available Mobius lens extension cable is 8" as longer cables cause unacceptable video quality degradation.

Other cameras with much longer lens cables are the Innovv C3 & Panorama X1, which are much more expensive solutions.
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I'm using that setup for the front camera at the moment, you can see in post #17 that I "integrated" the remote control wires with the USB plug. Of course, there are other sollution, especially if you'll use a lens extension.
There is another possibility. But a small and cheap 12 volt solenoid. Apply power to it. See how far it extends. Do not let it extend far enough to cause any damage. After installing some wiring make a mount for the solenoid so it contacts the button. With a momentary switch you could have a true remote control system that does not violate your warranty. This is a theory. It should work. Make sure any switch is momentary as you do not want or need the solenoid to be engaged for more than 1 second.
There is another possibility. But a small and cheap 12 volt solenoid. Apply power to it. See how far it extends. Do not let it extend far enough to cause any damage. After installing some wiring make a mount for the solenoid so it contacts the button. With a momentary switch you could have a true remote control system that does not violate your warranty. This is a theory. It should work. Make sure any switch is momentary as you do not want or need the solenoid to be engaged for more than 1 second.
That's the sort of thing I usually think of. Over engineered but perfectly functional.
Might explain why my film scanner is made out of k'nex, an LED torch and a cheapy camera. Looks crazy, works better than any scanner I've owned.
I'm lucky enough to have a high roof on my car. Bought a twin socket extension lead, connected to the fuse box via a timer delay. This double socket is mounted above the pillar between front & rear doors, allowing USB leads from front & rear Mobius to reach.
As for locking files when something happens, I've never bothered doing this, I always keep a pen & notepad handy & simply make a note of the time (making a mental note until I stop).
Any recommended sellers (in or shipping to UK) for my shopping list?
Mobius (V3) with C lens
Longer lens extension
Super capacitor

Banggood have everything shipping from China. Joovuu don't list the C lens yet (have asked if they will) but have everything else including a hardwire kit.
Just got a reply from Joovuu:
We'll be stocking the C lens in the next week or so. We've cleared our B lens stock and as such will only stock the A and C lens from now on.
Received my Mobius from Banggood (UK warehouse) today and am so far very impressed.
I've not tried it in the car yet as I'm still waiting for the other bits and pieces to arrive from various places.
You certainly get your money's worth with it. It seems better built and easier to use than a lot of big brand cameras I've encountered over the years.

Rather amusingly, about an hour before it arrived, I was witness to a road accident that a camera would have caught every detail of. Luckily nothing serious but I suspect will be dragged out by the insurers/person at fault for far longer than necessary. Probably (hopefully) won't see a thing once it's up and running in the car.
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