Mobius Undocumented Features & Specifications


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
California, LA
United States
In playing with the Mobius I finding all sorts of things that are undocumented. This thread is a listing of things that appear in the camera that are not documented.

Bit Rates 1080/30P:
High about 18 Mbps
Medium about 15.3 Mbps
Low about 12.3 Mbps

> Important: bit rates vary a great deal so this is only a rough guide.

Bit Rates 720/30P:
High about 11 Mbps
Medium about 7.1 Mbps
Low about 5.7 Mbps

In version 0.59 it appears that you are allowed to set up time lapse mode as ON and it will still auto-record in Mode 1.

A single picture 2304 x 1536 (3.5 MP) is about 1 MB file size, BUT switch to timelapse mode at 0.25 delay and the file size drops to around 300 KB --> 400 KB. I assume that the smaller file size is so that all the photos can be written to the flash memory card quick enough.

The software set-up program allows us to select a 720p mode at 30P or 60P. Only the 30P mode allows for a choice of narrow or wide AOV. However the software does allow you to chose narrow or wide AOV in the 1080/30p mode. I have not tried that setting yet, but I didn't think that was possible.

In playing around others must have run into some interesting things... Please post there here.
In playing with the Mobius I finding all sorts of things that are undocumented. This thread is a listing of things that appear in the camera that are not documented.

In version 0.59 it appears that you are allowed to set up time lapse mode as ON and it will still auto-record in Mode 1.
The software set-up program allows us to select a 720p mode at 30P or 60P. Only the 30P mode allows for a choice of narrow or wide AOV. However the software does allow you to chose narrow or wide AOV in the 1080/30p mode. I have not tried that setting yet, but I didn't think that was possible.

In playing around others must have run into some interesting things... Please post there here.
Thanks for your testing. It's always useful to read information that has not been previously posted.
The camera will always start/auto-start in video Mode 1. If you want to use time lapse you'll have to stop the current recording and switch to photo mode.

Video recording. Here's what's in the new manual and also holds true for v0.59:
Sorry about the formatting, it's been lost!
1080p @ 30fps Wide 2304 x 1296 Reduced to 1920 x 1080 using pixel binning. Widest possible setting
1080p @ 30fps Narrow 1920 x 1080 Captured directly from centermost portion of CMOS array. No scaling
720p @ 30fps Wide 2304 x 1296 Reduced to 1280 x 720 using pixel binning. Widest possible setting
720p @ 30fps Narrow 1920 x 1080 Identical to 1080p @ 30fps but reduced to 1280 x 720 using pixel binning
720p @ 60fps Narrow 1280 x 720 Captured directly from centermost portion of CMOS array. No scaling. Narrowest possible setting
As you know, it's not possible to capture the complete sensor array (wide angle) with 720p @ 60fps. The DSP is not capable of processing this large data flow and would result in many dropped frames (about 30% or more). The competition claims it's possible, but haven't been able to prove it. FWIW, it is NOT possible with the DSP used in the Mobius. Period! Any claims to the contrary are just not true and misleading.
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1080p @ 30fps Wide 2304 x 1296 Reduced to 1920 x 1080 using pixel binning. Widest possible setting
1080p @ 30fps Narrow 1920 x 1080 Captured directly from centermost portion of CMOS array.

Sorry for my bad english, will those changes has been made in present v0.59 FW or will be some upcoming new v0.59 ( stage 3? ).

Sorry for my bad english, will those changes has been made in present v0.59 FW or will be some upcoming new v0.59 ( stage 3? ).
All the settings are already available in v0.59.
The ToolTips in the NEXT GUI version will also show similar text..
Isoprop, I hope you will post here also another „exotic” informations about Mobius functions which are not so known by the users.

All the settings are already available in v0.59.
The ToolTips in the NEXT GUI version will also show similar text..

Thanks for making clear my suggestiin I didnt understood on the first place.
Isoprop, I hope you will post here also another „exotic” informations about Mobius functions which are not so known by the users.

I don't know what you mean by 'Exotic' information :). As you know, both the hardware and the firmware are already pretty complex, so it's no wonder that the details aren't easy to understand. I'm also in the lucky (or unlucky ;)) situation that I have to understand how the camera works in order to write the GUI and the ToolTips. What is obvious to me may not be obvious to others, so it's always good when others post their findings.
Tom and I (mostly Tom) spend hours checking the functionality before the firmware is released. We also know very well what the hardware is capable of doing and what is not possible.

Whenever I have a spare moment I work on the GUI and maybe the manual. Tom helps me a lot too. As such, both are always up-to-date on my PC but may contain information not yet implemented in the released firmware. That is the reason I can't release the GUI or the manual in advance. However, no one is perfect, so I may occasionally miss something important. The lens information should certainly have been included in the current released manual.
BTW, the lens information was posted in slightly different form in the RCGroups some time ago.

For the upcoming release there have been various issues which have had to be solved regarding USB communication and other technicalities. I think it's quite amazing what this camera can do. The developer has implemented some ideas very well, technically speaking!
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1080p @ 30fps Wide 2304 x 1296 Reduced to 1920 x 1080 using pixel binning. Widest possible setting
1080p @ 30fps Narrow 1920 x 1080 Captured directly from centermost portion of CMOS array. No scaling

How very cool!!! This the 1080/30P "wide" 116 degrees horizontal would be 96.7 degrees horizontal in "narrow" AOV.
1080p @ 30fps Wide 2304 x 1296 Reduced to 1920 x 1080 using pixel binning. Widest possible setting
1080p @ 30fps Narrow 1920 x 1080 Captured directly from centermost portion of CMOS array. No scaling

How very cool!!! This the 1080/30P "wide" 116 degrees horizontal would be 96.7 degrees horizontal in "narrow" AOV.

I think Tom Frank wrote that B Lens 1080p/30 narrow mode = 102deg HFOV.
I'm on the market for a small action cam and had been searching the WWWW high and low for info on the bitrates at various settings, only the top and lowest were mentioned, so thanks for your testing!

Was the quality at 1080/Low decent? I suppose if one needs to save on space, 720/30 would be the way to go.

Interesting what it does in timelapse mode too for file size, although at 0.25 it's more burst (4fps) than time lapse, which is handy to capture an action scene.
I don't know what you mean by 'Exotic' information
Foe example exotic was the 808 #16 5fps mode which was played at 30fps on PC. Will be nice if Mobius will have this feature too.

I'm on the market for a small action cam and had been searching the WWWW high and low for info on the bitrates at various settings, only the top and lowest were mentioned, so thanks for your testing!

Was the quality at 1080/Low decent? I suppose if one needs to save on space, 720/30 would be the way to go.

Interesting what it does in timelapse mode too for file size, although at 0.25 it's more burst (4fps) than time lapse, which is handy to capture an action scene.

It depends on how we define "decent". Compression artifacts do appear at the lowest bit rate, BUT the image is still clear and there's no doubt what you're seeing in the image. If this was for a TV Show, you'd want the highest bit rate, but for a court of law and YouTube, even the lowest bit rate is good enough.