Mounting 0906


Active Member
Feb 10, 2015
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mobius C Lens, Mini 0906, SG9663DC Pro, A229 Plus
Finally got round to fitting my 0906 in my new car yesterday and so far I'm not as happy as I was with the mobius in my previous car using a lens extension.

I have a 2008 Kia Cee'd and got the front camera mounted on the windscreen to the left of the rear view mirror (I'm in the UK).
As such the body is rotated so the sd card is at the top and the USB connections are at the bottom.
The camera itself is fine where it is even if its a little noticeable from outside. It's handy being able to see the status lights at a glance (screen off as it should be per UK law).

I had a quick mock up of where to mount the rear camera and this is where I start to dislike the 0906 setup. Aside rom working out how I will route the cable to the front, once it gets there it will have to plug in to the bottom of the camera unit and will look untidy and maybe draw more attention from outside.
It's a shame the rear cam doesn't connect to the mount as it would be a lot tidier.

Ill try and get some pictures later but at the moment I'm just using the front cam to see how it compares to the mobius. I may not fit the rear until I can find a neater twin system (maybe the dr02-d might be tidier).

If anyone has any suggestions for a tidier install I'd be grateful. Maybe I can install it the other way around behind the mirror more.
So I finally had a chance to play around with the 0906 a bit and I now have the rear camera installed.

I've relocated the front camera to behind the rear view mirror (shame I cant see the status lights now) and got the rear camera pretty much center of the rear hatch.
I wanted to thread the rear camera cable through with the electrical wiring for the rear hatch but there isn't enough room in the rubber cable sleeve. Instead I had to put it through with the rear washer hose which is even harder to take apart (more protection for the rubber hose). Once that was done and the wire fed along the passenger side door seals and tops of the plastic pillar trims I had around a metre or so left to hide away within in the roof lining at the back.

Along with my old reliable Nextbase hardwire kit (well made and easy to install) there's hardly any wiring on show.

I'm still not entirely happy with the 0906 as a discreet solution but for the £85 I paid for it I'm happy with it for a first 2ch solution. I'll be keeping an eye out of SG's forthcoming DR solution and then saving for one of those I imagine.

Front cam is now a bit harder to spot being in line with the mirror and the rear cam is stuck to the tailgate trim and angled to have the rear wiper just in frame. While you can make out the demister elements they don't impact the image enough to be a concern.

Just for comparison this was my mobius in my previous car
Please forgive my ignorance, the reason to make it discreet is to avoid being stolen? Someone would break in the car to steal a dashcam? Sorry I am in US, and new to dashcam - I think they are not that common here in the states.
Please forgive my ignorance, the reason to make it discreet is to avoid being stolen? Someone would break in the car to steal a dashcam? Sorry I am in US, and new to dashcam - I think they are not that common here in the states.
I agree with you.
the reason to make it discreet is to avoid being stolen
That and the fact some people are so thin skinned that the mere sight of a dashcam can set them off, so best to keep them hidden, this way the other part in a incident can also get the chance to dig his own grave even deeper before you whip out your video evidence.
Stolen i still dont see as much of a issue here in the west due to the awareness of dashcams are still pretty little, both around their existence in general and their prize.
That and the fact some people are so thin skinned that the mere sight of a dashcam can set them off, so best to keep them hidden, this way the other part in a incident can also get the chance to dig his own grave even deeper before you whip out your video evidence.

this was our reason for wanting to make them discreet, when we first started doing cameras pretty much everything was for the Russian and Korean market where fraud is a big issue so larger more obvious cameras dominated the market as they had a preventive quality about them, the scammers would see the camera and rethink their actions before committing to them

for me I didn't see the fraud issue as big as other problems people have so keeping them discrete was my preference
Please forgive my ignorance, the reason to make it discreet is to avoid being stolen? Someone would break in the car to steal a dashcam? Sorry I am in US, and new to dashcam - I think they are not that common here in the states.

Unfortunatly in some places people will steal anything. I've seen cars broken in to for small amounts of money, cigarettes, and CD's. The most concerning thing is I'm more worried about it happening outside my house than most other places I leave my car.

This is why I was really happy with the mobius install. You just couldn't see it at all from outside.

Dash cams aren't prime targets for theives just yet as a lot of people just wouldn't know what they are and even the common branded units sold in retail stores aren't well known. Something like a Mini, mobius, or any other of the brands that are popular here wouldn't even be known to 99% of people. Especially when they're sold under multiple brands.

I like the increase in video quality with the 0906 and it can be amusing seeing what goes on behind you without you realising at the time. Best of all is during the day it will clearly make out the driver of the vehicle behind so if it came to it you could prove exactly who it was and what they were doing if they hit you.