My near miss with Kangaroos today


Jul 24, 2014
Reaction score
Dash Cam
SG SG9665GC V2 updated to the A229 plus 2 channel
I had a close call today , just missing two Kangaroos. I think there must have been a coat of paint between my car and the second roo. it is a pity I wasn't in my car with the SG in it. I was in the wife's car with the older B40 in it, otherwise the footage may have been a bit clearer. It was fairly early in the morning though

They really are car seeking missiles ...
For animals with such good eye sight , it amazes me they have such a attraction to ramming cars ..
You don't see antelope running into the jaws of a lion (?)
You don't see antelope running into the jaws of a lion (?)
Maybe it's similar to the problem we have in parts of North America with deer running across the highway. Most make it... some don't. :eek:
doesn't need to be rural... I live in Sydney in the suburbs and seeing dead ones on the side of the road where I live is not uncommon at all
Interesting. As I alluded to earlier, there appear to be similarities between kangaroos and deer in regards to issues with cars... both out in the sticks and in the 'burbs.