My son's wreck


Active Member
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
La Vergne, Tennessee
United States
My son was making a left turn and didn't look close enough before pulling out. A trip to the emergency room found some severely strained neck muscles but nothing more serious. He was in a 2002 Highlander with 249, 000 miles. It's totaled. He's a very inexperienced driver and was going to work, about 3 miles away.

There's only three turns he has to make, and I drove him there before he started his new job, to show him what to look out for. We even discussed looking both ways at least twice before turning left. It was still his first week on the job, now he's out of a car and out of a job.

Disregard the date and time. The buttons are too tiny for my old eyes.

Dang! :eek: How old is the boy? Hope he recovers well. I was in 3 very small accidents when I was in my teens :rolleyes:

Maybe for more dangerous intersections like that, have him do right turns instead and take a longer route if needed. This is my strategy for the major cross street to my house.
Darn :eek: I hope that did not scare him off driving.
My nice made a dent in her mothers Ford fiesta while reversing out from where she parked, that made her a bit apprehensive towards driving, so her uncle have been forcing her to drive his car.

I have only been in a wreck one time, and that was my first car that was rear ended by 2 drunks on a highway as i stopped to make a left turn.
Later on it is a bloody miracle i have not ruined my own car or others as i for a while drove like a moron ( and that's putting it lightly )
Is it a manual transmission? I thought I heard him say 'first' right before he pulled out.
It's easy to get attention fatigue when you wait a long time to make a turn and get impatient.
A trick I use is to look in the opposite direction just before a gap arrives, that way you know a little in advance whether that gap is no use to you.
Look, look, look again, decide to go.....look again. :)
He's 20 and has been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome but I think there's something else that hasn't been diagnosed. I'm surprised at how well he handled the wreck. This was to be his fifth day at his job and his hours were from 4 pm to 2:30 am. When he showed up for the first day they told him he was on mandatory overtime, 10 hrs. a day, 6 days a week. The first four nights I laid awake at night waiting for him to come safely home and lost a lot of sleep worrying about him. I'm not sure what to do about another job for him.
You must treat driving as a fighter pilot would treat the sky.
Check all sides, above, below, or get a missile in your tow.
Boom, splat and your flesh is smeared asunder, don't be a dumbass wonder.
YIKES! It would have been easy to miss the truck, looking into the light with glare like that, coming around the corner. Glad he was okay!

We have a 2002 Highlander also.
That's pretty bad hit.
Looks like he just waited for traffic from the right to clear up and didn't even check on the left. :eek:
Good thing that the speed was not too high or it'd have been worse.
Hope he recovers soon.
He seemed to stop well short of the junction . Perhaps that's why he didn't see the other vehicle approaching.
He seemed to stop well short of the junction . Perhaps that's why he didn't see the other vehicle approaching.
Because of a line of trees to the right that run parallel to the road, you have to either stop short or pull a little too far into the intersection. To the left about 100 ft. away is a brick sign about 4 ft. tall that a car can hide behind for about 1 second at 40 mph. It can be frustrating for experienced drivers.
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Glad to see there were no serious injuries.
Getting the first 100 hours under the belt without incident is always difficult.
Hope he has a speedy recovery and better luck in the future.
Oh man I hope your son is alright. That looked like a pretty hard hit. I hate to say it but the capture couldn't have been any better :eek:
Is it a manual transmission? I thought I heard him say 'first' right before he pulled out.

I think he was listing the order in which the cars should go. I.E. the car in front is "first." He's mentioned to me before that he doesn't like stop signs because it's hard for him to figure out who is supposed to go next.
tell him turn of the radio when he begin to drive. It make drivers lost attention.