Need Help. My AUTO-VOX B40-C video quality looks different than the video on Youtube.


Jul 12, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Hi, I just joined this board today because I recently bought a A118/B40-c from Amazon through AUTO-VOX distributor. I been comparing the video from my camera with other people in YouTube with A118/B40 and their video always have this colorful and smooth photogenic look when compare to mine. What I notice from mine is a couple of things.

First off, like I said the video in YouTube always have this nice soft image, like it was taken using a film camera. When I look at my video there always seem to be some kind of high contrast that makes the video look washout and over or under exposed. What's really noticeable is the color of the sky. Now, I know that different lighting condition cause the sky to produce different gradient of colors, but on my video, the color of the sky always have this dull dark blue or light blue look, instead of the bright blue color that really pops out on YouTube Videos.

Secondly, I would often see this aliasing effect that are very noticeable especially around power lines. This aliasing effect occurs mostly in the middle of the screen. And around power lines, light and electric poles, I also notice there is a light color outline that surrounds these object when it's seems against the blue sky. Even birds flying around the blue sky have this light color outline.

Anyway all the videos are from default factory settings.

These are other people videos I compare to:

Still Screenshot of my video are attached.Untitled-1.jpg Untitled-2.jpg Untitled-3.jpg Untitled-4.jpg Untitled-5.jpg Untitled-6.jpg Untitled-7.jpg Untitled-1.jpg Untitled-2.jpg Untitled-3.jpg Untitled-4.jpg Untitled-5.jpg Untitled-6.jpg Untitled-7.jpg

I bought my camera here:

Resolution = 1080p
WDR = On
EV= +0.0
Frequency = 60hz
Firmware = a118c.20150403
the glow or aliasing you refer to around small or straight objects is known as jpeg artifacting. it's just part of the compression that this camera uses. increasing the bitrate will reduce artifacting, but will make files larger. bitrate is not adjustable by the user though unless you figure out some way to hack the firmware.

part of why youtube videos look softer is because they lower the bitrate to save on bandwidth. this increases blockiness and softens colors and loses sharpness. to really compare your files to someone else's, you need the raw .mov files.

to me, your screenshots look fine.
the glow or aliasing you refer to around small or straight objects is known as jpeg artifacting. it's just part of the compression that this camera uses. increasing the bitrate will reduce artifacting, but will make files larger. bitrate is not adjustable by the user though unless you figure out some way to hack the firmware.

part of why youtube videos look softer is because they lower the bitrate to save on bandwidth. this increases blockiness and softens colors and loses sharpness. to really compare your files to someone else's, you need the raw .mov files.

to me, your screenshots look fine.
Nice explanation :)
the glow or aliasing you refer to around small or straight objects is known as jpeg artifacting. it's just part of the compression that this camera uses. increasing the bitrate will reduce artifacting, but will make files larger. bitrate is not adjustable by the user though unless you figure out some way to hack the firmware.

part of why youtube videos look softer is because they lower the bitrate to save on bandwidth. this increases blockiness and softens colors and loses sharpness. to really compare your files to someone else's, you need the raw .mov files.

to me, your screenshots look fine.

Hi Gibson99, thanks for the reply and explanation. I'm very OCD and I notice small details like the smooth video effect on YouTube from other people. I mean shouldn't my video that I upload on YouTube have this same smoothing effect like the others since all the video are being uploaded to YouTube from an MOV. File? But to me even when I view my video on YouTube, it doesn't have that same smooth film like video quality that the other videos uploaded by other people have. Maybe my mind is playing a tricks on me or something, but to me, mine just doesn't have that same look as others. No doubt about it, the video quality is pretty darn sharp for a dash cam but there's just something about mine that doesn't seem right. I guess I kind of jealous just how beautiful other people video looks when compared to mine.

Welcome to the forum BurritoJoe! Like the name :)

Hey thanks, I was having trouble finding a good name since most were already taken, so basically I just took the name from the thing I was eating at the time and use the alias I always use, Joe.
witch firmware version do you have? I had a replacement from AutoVox and this camera make images very flat and undersaturated... looks like a protune video of a GoPro if someone have one... the first camera that autovox sent makes more colorful videos...
witch firmware version do you have? I had a replacement from AutoVox and this camera make images very flat and undersaturated... looks like a protune video of a GoPro if someone have one... the first camera that autovox sent makes more colorful videos...

Resolution = 1080p
WDR = On
EV= +0.0
Frequency = 60hz
Firmware = a118c.20150403
I just want to get this thread bump again after a year because I believe there an issue regard color saturation with this camera. So basically, the first one I bought had very unsaturated colors. Then I replace that one with a Black Box and the color was very saturated. I like the color reproduction on that camera and bought the camera again 10 months later from Amazon and from the same seller, but this time the color is unsaturated. Here's the screen shot comparison.

You can see that the color of the sky is very blue on the old one I had. Both screenshot of the video were taken at different day, but at the same exactly time and location, so there shouldn't be a lighting difference between them.


  • Old Black Box (Saturated Colors).jpg
    Old Black Box (Saturated Colors).jpg
    503.3 KB · Views: 17
  • New Black Box (NonSaturated Colors).jpg
    New Black Box (NonSaturated Colors).jpg
    535.9 KB · Views: 17
The automatic white balance might be at play here. We don't realize it with our eyes but the sky color and brightness can vary significantly from one day to another.

I know different people have different expectations - but I don't consider color saturation a concern for a dashcam.
Image sharpness and overall reliability is a much more important factor. These are dashcams meant for security purposes, not cinema cameras - if you want to make a nice video, just do some postprocessing when preparing your video :)