Need opinion on CR500 video please


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi guys,

Bought a CR500 from blackboxmycar recently. Had some trouble with the camera at first but brushed it off as being glitches or 64GB memory card related. I'm now using the 16GB card supplied for testing purposes.
Not had the camera running for very long as I didn't have time to set it up or when I did have the time, it would be during low light etc.

Today I had a chance to record in decent light and just wanted some other opinions on the video..

This is in chronological order

1 -
2 -
3 -

I can provide the raw .avi if needed but it seems youtube has done a decent job, not much in it between them.

My thoughts were that, when parked or stationary, the video is OK. I've seen better in videos online but this is my first cam, nothing to compare it to in terms of old footage.
When the car is moving, it is super grainy. It's probably better at night than the daytime!

Thanks in advance,
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I try not to take video on YouTube too seriously as their processing often messes with the results, the video looks a little dark, that could be settings related maybe, I've found that cams that do better at night are sometimes not quite as good during the day, a worthwhile compromise I suppose though, not sure if the CR500 is the same in this respect as it's not a model I've used, perhaps someone else that has one could offer their thoughts

overall though it looks like it's doing the job
jokiin said:
I try not to take video on YouTube too seriously as their processing often messes with the results, the video looks a little dark, that could be settings related maybe, I've found that cams that do better at night are sometimes not quite as good during the day, a worthwhile compromise I suppose though, not sure if the CR500 is the same in this respect as it's not a model I've used, perhaps someone else that has one could offer their thoughts

overall though it looks like it's doing the job
Hi, thanks for taking the time to look at it.

The trouble is, the youtube videos are as good as the original .avi's. :(

I'm happy with the parked videos. I can read number plates when other cars are parking around me etc.
It just seems that when there are loads of trees/cars/buildings, whatever it may be. The video gets really grainy/pixelated? I don't know the proper terms, sorry.

For those that want to use my config which I made from the Android App, here is how you turn off voltage display for a nice clean look, the video footage in the YouTube link is not a true reflection of the quality of the camera - the raw video is much better, less pixelated and cleaner.

Edit the config.txt in the folder called "CR-500HD_Parameter" on the sdcard.

Display MISC=0
Driving Mode Accelerator=9
Auto Parking=1
Parking Accelerator=2
Parking Motion=1
Night Bright=3
Speaker Volume=3
MIC Volume=2
Time zone=21
Encoding Profile=0
Bit rate=0
Driving Mode Frame=0
Parking Mode Frame=0
Parking Black and White=0
Video OUT=0
Video Out Standard=1
GPS Speed Display=0
Memory Partition=0
Partition Territory=4

Here is a video to show you the quality from mine, which is the same as yours really but more sun because its Australia! I have a 3 second gap between each recording do you have the same? Enjoy the radio commentary as well!


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Hi Milamber,

I have no delay between recordings(maybe the slightest), but not 3 seconds. You can see if you go to last frame of video 2, and start of video 3^^

I think yours looks a lot better than mine. I'd be very happy with yours. Is anybody not seeing what I see? Mine is so horrible when the car is moving :(

I think I will try lower my cam so I get more dash, see if that helps.
jamesbcd said:
Hi Milamber,

I have no delay between recordings(maybe the slightest), but not 3 seconds. You can see if you go to last frame of video 2, and start of video 3^^

I think yours looks a lot better than mine. I'd be very happy with yours. Is anybody not seeing what I see? Mine is so horrible when the car is moving :(

I think I will try lower my cam so I get more dash, see if that helps.

Interesting which sdcard are you using? Perhaps I should replace mine.
At the moment, the supplied FineVu card, I think it's a 16GB class 10. But I have also used Sandisk ultra 32GB class 10 with no delay too.
jamesbcd said:
At the moment, the supplied FineVu card, I think it's a 16GB class 10. But I have also used Sandisk ultra 32GB class 10 with no delay too.

Would you mind posting your config.txt in the folder called "CR-500HD_Parameter" on the sdcard?
I just changed the highlighted bit just now, everything else is the same.

Display MISC=0
Driving Mode Accelerator=9
Auto Parking=1
Parking Accelerator=0
Parking Motion=0
Night Bright=4
Speaker Volume=4
MIC Volume=0
Time zone=12
Encoding Profile=0
Bit rate=0
Driving Mode Frame=0
Parking Mode Frame=0
Parking Black and White=0
Video OUT=0
Video Out Standard=0
GPS Speed Display=0
Memory Partition=1
Partition Territory=5
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Hi jamesbcd,

The video quality appears to be below average when driving. You could angle the camera down a little bit, this will get less sky and the videos may get a bit brighter. However the blockiness, especially when there are trees, won't be resolved unless the bit rate is increased. Do you have the CPL filter on this camera by any chance?
Hi dashcamman,

No cpl filter was attached.

How would I check the current bitrate? Is it possible to change the bitrate?

I got a message back from FineVu in Korean, said something like max bitrate is 10 and it isn't a fault because of the changing light conditions.
But on parts of the video, where the light is constant, I still get the blockiness.

There is an open source software called MediaInfo that will show the bitrate. If you use VLC Media player you can see it on Tools - Media Information, the Statistics tab.
I use VLC but I have no idea what the statistics mean. Hovers anywhere between 5000-13000 kb/s.

When I get the chance, I am going to lower the cam and see if that makes any difference.
If not, I think I will send it back for exchange/repair. But since FineVu seem to think it's normal from their email, what will they actually do to repair it?

This is their message translated. "Bitrate according to part of image degradation, or change the color of the light of changes in LA if that happens a lot, the video and the same problem appears.
Is typically continuously from side to side when you have a tree-lined.
For reference, the CR-500HD is a maximum of 10Mbps."

I am using this video as comparison.
The image is really clear even in direct sunlight, moving quite fast and with a lot of trees in background. Can only see a bit of blockiness in parts.

I bought mine from Alex at blackboxmycar and he's been great. He has initiated an exchange if I need one. :)
But worried I will get a similar unit back from FineVu. :(
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For VLC, look at the content bitrate only. This shouldn't fluctuate that much. Mediainfo provides the average bitrate.
Content bitrate hovers around 8000-10500 kb/s. Seems pretty normal to me?
I have sent it back to Finevu for an exchange anyway. Hopefully I get a better unit this time.

Sort of wish I went for the DR500 with custom firmware now though.
Here is the CR500 bitrate:

Just thought I'd post an update on my replacement.
It's a lot better than my old unit, not as many macroblocks but still visible.
Considering it's price I think it's average/poor. It's not as clear as other videos on youtube/these forums. jokiin's video comes to mind.
I think the way it's mounted might be the cause? It was my first cam so can't compare it to anything but it's a good 10cm if not more, from the windscreen.

Here are 2 videos, 1 late evening and 1 at night (nighttime brightness is on lowest). Didn't do any driving during while the sun was out so apologies for that.

original file - ... normal.avi

original file - ... normal.avi

Any questions, feel free to ask. ;)
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jamesbcd said:
Just thought I'd post an update on my replacement.
It's a lot better than my old unit, not as many macroblocks but still visible.
Considering it's price I think it's average/poor. It's not as clear as other videos on youtube/these forums. jokiin's video comes to mind.

keep in mind that YouTube really screws with the results, the original file from any cam will look better than what you see on YouTube
Thanks for sharing the videos. These look much better than before. You can try mounting in different spots to see if it improves the quality but the video looks ok to me.
jokiin said:
keep in mind that YouTube really screws with the results, the original file from any cam will look better than what you see on YouTube
Yeh, the youtube links were just for those who want a quick look.
If anyone who was looking to purchase a CR500, I included the original files too so they could have a look.

DashCamMan said:
Thanks for sharing the videos. These look much better than before. You can try mounting in different spots to see if it improves the quality but the video looks ok to me.
The video is ok but I was comparing it to a sample video jokiin posted the other day. It was crystal clear and I can't seem to replicate it with the CR500. :(
It's a PITA moving the mount for trial and error. I took it off once and it took me about 10 minutes. Snapped an old debit card too! :D
I think it's the angle of my windscreen, there's no way I can get it closer to the windscreen without using a suction mount that is obtrusive.