New 0803 with Battery issue


New Member
Sep 8, 2014
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United Kingdom
Just bought an 0803 from Amazon today and found it will not charge the battery, charges with the red LED on and after 20 min's ish it goes out but the battery will only last about 30 - 40 seconds.

Is this a known issue?

OK, it's going back to Amazon.
Just bought an 0803 from Amazon today and found it will not charge the battery, charges with the red LED on and after 20 min's ish it goes out but the battery will only last about 30 - 40 seconds.

Is this a known issue?

I think that may be normal if you are using it to record video on battery only. If you are only using the menus or taking photos then it should last longer...
Thanks Nigel, I'm about to post this back to Amazon, can anyone confirm how long it should run when recording video on the internal battery? I timed it at 12 Seconds before it gives low battery and shuts down.
The manual says:

b) On & Standby (not recording): Long press on "OK" button will take a picture.
This function is more useful after an incident, where the recorder can be unclipped from the bracket,
switched on via the On/Off button and used outside the car to take wide angle photos of the scene.
Note: Battery life will be about 10 F 15 minutes (if fully charged). Some video can also be taken, but
battery life will be considerably reduced. 0803 User Manual 020714.pdf

How long is it running just on standby?
As long as it shuts down safely when it looses power I wouldn't be too worried, it's not designed to record video on battery power and for photos you are better off with most mobile phones!
30-40 seconds battery time, or 12 shooting video, is simply unacceptable. I'd return. When re-testing mine after my heatsink goofing around I was able to mess with the menu, take a 25 second long video in superHD mode (quit because my wife got bored of mugging for the camera, not because I 'had to'), then mess around a bit more with stills and menu, and that was not on a full charge.
Thanks for the link to the PDF manual.

Powering on with no memory card inserted after being on charge all night it takes 12 seconds for the low battery warning to appear and it switches off.

My concern is that the battery is not getting any charge at all and that soon it will not even power for 12 seconds and just stop working with ignition off and crash the memory card (as read in another post) due to incorrect shut down.

I think it' going back and I'll try another one.
Well it's gone back and I've ordered a replacement, let's see how this one does!