New Camera unit misbehaving...


Active Member
Feb 13, 2019
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United Kingdom
I have a support ticket on this in progress with Viofo but I'd like others opinions)
I have a new A129 Pro camera. Worked okay for a while and then just started misbehaving.
I'd previously (2021) bought my original unit from Viofo UK, with two x hardwire kits and 2 x rear cameras, for use in two vehicles. I also bought from them 2 x 256GB SDCards. These are branded Integral (Viofo SDCards only became available later.
After some teething problems, all worked well, with the Front Camera unit moved between vehicles as I needed to drive them. All good for over three years....
So now I put the new camera in one of the vehicles and initially worked okay. Then it stopped, locked on the startup screen with no image displayed, just the satus with no errors showing. Raised a ticket and after various recommendations and other data provided including formatting the SDcard and updating the firmware (which appeared to work), and doing this on both cards, I've been told the SDcard is not a supported brand (remember, these cards were sold to me by Viofo with the original camera )
HOWEVER, when I examine the cards after each trial I find the folders /DCIM and /Movie have been created and that recordings of the trial have been stored BUT ONLY from the REAR Camera.
The logic in my ageing brain says this cannot be the cards if they still work in the original camera, it must be the new camera.
I am therefore reluctant to fork out for a new SDcard and find that doesnt work either (I'm fairly certain they wouldn't accept the new SDcard back either)!
(remember, these cards were sold to me by Viofo with the original camera )
The retailer has been selling Integral cards with/for Viofo cameras, Viofo themselves at have always (normally?) sold Viofo brand cards, which are different and very high specification.

The Integral cards should work, but remember that cards do slow down as they wear out, so a new card will become necessary at some point.

If it is recording the rear image and not the front, then I don't think it will be a card issue, more likely the cable to the front image sensor has disconnected, or some other front sensor related hardware fault.
Thanks Nigel. Guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet and order a Viofo SDcard to prove the issue....