New Chipset questions


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
Numerous and ever-changing
It looks like I'll want more cams soon. The old van died and I want a rear cam in the new one. I'm wondering if the newer G1Wh would be enough there? Also wondering if a super-cap model is being offered, or whether it can be modded for that? And who currently has this cam cheapest?

My old G1Wc burned up in a car fire. I was too focused on putting the fire out to remember to grab it when I dived out the door. It would have made for an interesting clip to share!

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No G1W-Hs with capacitors. If you want the capacitor "sibling" it would have to be the G1W-C. These are still being produced with the Novatek/Aptina combo. I haven't searched much lately but I believe there are still some H's with the same combo out there. Avoid the ones with the new chipset.

PS: Sorry to hear about the car fire.
Thanks for the reply. I found it as you say, and while checking GB, discovered the G1Wc 96650/0330 old version cheaper than the one with the GP chipset. Jumped on it. Now only to wait and hope I get a good cam first time round this time.

I wanted this cam to be easily identifiable as such through the rear window of my van in hopes that will deter problems with tailgaters. Almost went for the Blacksys CF100 with it's 'rear' cam used on the side but mounting would have been troublesome and that cam needs a huge card to run the duration I want. Hated losing the last G1Wc; of the three I've had my hands on it was utterly reliable and the pic quality was well above the usual for this cam.
