New Commands for my A229+


Jul 19, 2022
Reaction score
Wigan, England
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Viofo A229 Plus
So I've realised I have a new command to protect the file and take an image, I just shout "f*#£ing idiot and hey presto 98% of the time it protects the file and takes an image, had my daughter laughing when I shouted it out due to the cyclist thinking he had right of way on a mini roundabout while i was turning right this morning, didn't realise this was official.
So I've realised I have a new command to protect the file and take an image, I just shout "f*#£ing idiot and hey presto 98% of the time it protects the file and takes an image, had my daughter laughing when I shouted it out due to the cyclist thinking he had right of way on a mini roundabout while i was turning right this morning, didn't realise this was official.
Cyclists have total right of way on roundabouts now in UK.
Cyclists have total right of way on roundabouts now in UK
Cyclists have to follow the same rules as everyone else!

Rule 186 of the highway code does now say: "Cyclists, horse riders and horse drawn vehicles may stay in the left-hand lane when they intend to continue across or around the roundabout and should signal right to show you they are not leaving the roundabout.", but I believe that has always applied to all traffic, although it does cause problems at roundabouts with multi lane exits because it is not obvious that people in the left lane may not be leaving and thus you have to give way to them even if the lane markings imply otherwise. The recent wording of the highway code rule 186 implies that the right to continue around in the left lane doesn't apply to people other than cyclists, horse riders and horse drawn vehicles, but I doubt that is actually the case, as long as they are signalling right.
Nah they changed it, cyclists have priority over everything
See they have priority:
Nah they changed it, cyclists have priority over everything
All they changed was to clearly say that if you don't have a dashcam to prove who was legally at fault, then it will be assumed that the larger vehicle will be at fault, while previously this was not made clear, even though it was normally the case in practice.

See they have priority:
Yes, even the mechanically powered ones that require tax and insurance, even though that one probably didn't have any!

However, if you have a dashcam that shows them hitting you due to them flying through a red light, then they will be held responsible for the accident. Legally, still a good idea to make an attempt to avoid the accident, but the person with the green light does have legal priority.