New ITB100HD SP - Hardware Error


New Member
Jul 26, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
2 x ITB-100SPW
Good evening everyone,
I recently purchased my 100HD SP and have been getting the "hardware error" announcement after inserting the SD card. I've tried all firmwares (versions 1.0 to 1.3 including modded versions). Version 1.3 seems to have stabilized it but now tells me, "recording started...recording stopped", shuts down, reboots and repeats the cycle. I am at a loss as to what to do next. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Hello jokiin,
Thanks for responding. I have used the SD card that came with the camera (8GB) as well as two class 10 32gb SD cards. All have been formatted. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but the result, unfortunately, has been the same.
Any way to remedy this?
did you format the various SD cards in FAT32 file system?
did you format the various SD cards in FAT32 file system?
Good evening everyone,
I recently purchased my 100HD SP and have been getting the "hardware error" announcement after inserting the SD card. I've tried all firmwares (versions 1.0 to 1.3 including modded versions). Version 1.3 seems to have stabilized it but now tells me, "recording started...recording stopped", shuts down, reboots and repeats the cycle. I am at a loss as to what to do next. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.

Hello everyone,
The situation has been resolved and it was through my utter rushing and stupidity in setting up the dashcam.
I returned the original unit and ordered the ITB100HD SPW. I experienced the same issue as the first unit - the "hardware error" announcement. Turns out that the hardwire adapter I installed for a previous dashcam only put out 5volts and not 12volts. A simple switching out of the hardwire unit for the other did the trick. Jokiin and Henry Lim, I appreciate your help in taking the time to read my post in an attempt to help me solve the problem. Thanks again.