NEW Lukas LK-790 CCTV

Calgary Dash Camera - Robert

Active Member
Nov 1, 2013
Reaction score
Dayton Nevada & Calgary Alberta
United States
Dash Cam Street Guardian BulletHD
I am pleased to introduce the Lukas LK-790 CCTV Cam system to the forum. Firstly this is not built as a dash cam. It is a single wifi security camera, with SD memory card support (Listed as 512GB max).

To put quite simply this is exactly what you would expect if you took the LK-7950 Wifi cam, and made a security camera out of it.

Interesting features include;

GPS- Yes I know there is GPS on this security camera.
Event recording- "earthquake detection".
Wifi- works with existing Lukas eye app, on Android & iOS.
PLUS POSSIBLE Live View support for Windows and Mac OS X. (Have not been able to confirm this yet)
Two types of long rage WiFi antennas- Good if you want to view the camera feed from the other side of your house.

Not sure what else to say about this guy yet =)
Our first Demo model is shipping out of Koera on Tuesday.
Oh yes price, will be around $200.

As a Dash Camera retailer, we have stayed out of the Security Camera market. However we could see this camera being rather useful for our fleet customers. Plus we do occasionally have customers ask about Security Cameras. So we are going start stocking a small number of these and see how they sell.

If any reputable dash cam talk reviewers want to do a review on this, please PM me, and ill send one free unit out to someone.

Sorry I do not have any other documents to post other then the first english version of the manual.
Plus the Korean product listing.





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This seems interesting. I might be willing to take a look. Can it be mounted outside like under a porch overhang or is it inside only? Might be willing to mount it to the ceiling of my car as well depending on size.

:EDIT: after reviewing the manual it seems to not have a USB/Car lead. I wonder if one from another Lukas dash camera would work for a car install. I'll send you a PM in a min and if you would like we can talk about it further.
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This seems interesting. I might be willing to take a look. Can it be mounted outside like under a porch overhang or is it inside only? Might be willing to mount it to the ceiling of my car as well depending on size.

:EDIT: after reviewing the manual it seems to not have a USB/Car lead. I wonder if one from another Lukas dash camera would work for a car install. I'll send you a PM in a min and if you would like we can talk about it further.

In the manual it says not to let the camera get wet, so I am guessing its not water proof. But my hopes is that it will have some kind of weather resistance, and can be safely mounted like you have mentioned.
I am really looking forward to getting the finished product to demo!
I am hoping it will be easy enough to power in a vehicle. From what I have read it is variably DC powered just like ever other Lukas dash cam. So it should be simple enough to hardwire into a 12 v dc circuit.
This will be interesting but I'm not sure if they're behind the curve as say for example the Hikvision range are just moving from 3Mp to 4Mp, although the higher resolutions are at a slightly reduced frame rate.

The Sony sensor would be good at night - I'm not sure what is in the Hikvision cameras I just bought as I haven't looked through the firmware yet.

These types of cameras do tend to have IR which works better than dashcams as it isn't reflecting off a glass windscreen so I'm not sure how much difference the IMX322 would give over the sensors they normally use.

I have got one security type camera running at the moment with the OV2710 and that's been excellent matched with its IR so in theory the IMX322 would only be better with cleaner night footage.

Taking dashcam things like g sensors and using them for earthquake type detection is interesting. Not sure if any other CCTV cameras do that?

I'll have to pull my finger out and set up the Hikvision cams next week.
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This will be interesting but I'm not sure if they're behind the curve as say for example the Hikvision range are just moving from 3Mp to 4Mp, although the higher resolutions are at a slightly reduced frame rate.

The Sony sensor would be good at night - I'm not sure what is in the Hikvision cameras I just bought as I haven't looked through the firmware yet.

These types of cameras do tend to have IR which works better than dashcams as it isn't reflecting off a glass windscreen so I'm not sure how much difference the IMX322 would give over the sensors they normally use.

I have got one security type camera running at the moment with the OV2710 and that's been excellent matched with its IR so in theory the IMX322 would only be better with cleaner night footage.

Taking dashcam things like g sensors and using them for earthquake type detection is interesting. Not sure if any other CCTV cameras do that?

I'll have to pull my finger out and set up the Hikvision cams next week.

I have to say I was a tag disappointed when I found out it did not have any IR LED's built in.. Though for their first security camera I can't really blame them.
I am curious to see if it would work beside on of these guys. I fear that the lens will have a IR lens filter built in.

Haha yah this might be one of the worlds first security cameras with earth quake detection! I did a quick google search and found nothing.

We received our first our of the LK-790 Nara's a few days ago.
Set one up in my house that night. Wanted to test it out before sending any units out.
Still have not had a lot of time to play around with the camera yet.

First few notes,
- Fairly solid build quality. Defiantly not a camera that you would want to expose to the elements if there is any chance of it getting wet.
- Connect to the existing Lukas wifi app, which is great for a existing Lukas LK-7950 customers.However at this time I am unable to connect to the camera from my iPhones lukas app. I must note that I am running iOS 9.0 Public Beta 2 and that this is very likely the reason the Lukas app crashes, or can not connect. From my Samsung Galaxy 3 however it connects painlessly.
- The camera Built in Wi-Fi's antenna is very weak on the unit that I am using. The bright side of this however is Lukas built in a Wi-Fi antenna port for a external wifi antenna.
Lukas mentions two types of external antenna's in the cameras manual. However I am still unclear on if these two antenna's are the only compatible types with the camera.
- Because this camera is so new, and the batch I got has been probably the first to ship outside of Korea, the manual is in Korean, and the wall plug is the Korean type.
- The cameras DC power port is a larger size, and is not compatible with the Lukas cigarette power plugs that the Lukas Dash Cameras use. However again as shown in the manual for this device. If you take the cigarette charger for the Lukas battery pack, it is the perfect size.
I am currently looking into if I can order just these cig cables.

Over all pretty excited to see what the community thinks of this guy. IT would be great if someone could figure out a way to connect the wifi to a server so you can record and view remotely. If someone could do that, then this would be a awesome little piece of surveillance tech :)

The cameras DC power port is a larger size, and is not compatible with the Lukas cigarette power plugs that the Lukas Dash Cameras use. However again as shown in the manual for this device. If you take the cigarette charger for the Lukas battery pack, it is the perfect size.
I am currently looking into if I can order just these cig cables.
If you can do this I would mount one to the inside of the roof of my car in a second
The iOS 9 betas have been painful so far - I'm seriously considering moving over to the dark side with Android soon.

I've got to admit I expected this to be waterproof - what market are they going for with this one? If it's not weatherproof I'm guessing indoor security cameras or something - but they're usually cabled via the likes of Power over Ethernet and you could pick up two or three for $200.

I'm intrigued now how this would stack up against the new 4Mp Hikvision and Dahua cameras which supposedly have up to 120DB of dynamic range - I may have to invest (just don't tell my mrs ;) )

Can you telnet to port 554 of the cameras IP? The Lukas dashcams are pretty locked down - I need a free rainy day so I can have another play with the 7950 :)
Haha that is a little over my head. But I have a feeling the if the right person got their hands on this camera who knew what they were doing. The Nara could perhaps become the DYI Drop Cam lol.

Yah I was a disappointed to find that it is not weather resistant. However its my hope at least that maybe the next model down the line will be IP 65 weather resistant. Its my guess that Lukas is maybe testing the market a bit with this first camera.

I still don't have a MSRP on it yet, but judging from what I paid for the first three units the MSRP is going to be somewhere just north of $200 US for a 8GB.

Yah... seriously regretting trying the both the El Capitan and iOS beta.

Any who guess its time for me to figure out who I am going to send a review unit off to lol
Too bad it's not water resistant or I would have volunteered, the only application I have for it is outside on the end of my garage or on the corner of my house. Maybe next time ... :-)
Too bad it's not water resistant or I would have volunteered, the only application I have for it is outside on the end of my garage or on the corner of my house. Maybe next time ... :)

Sorry! Hopefully with the next Nara =)
PLUS POSSIBLE Live View support for Windows and Mac OS X. (Have not been able to confirm this yet)
Consider it confirmed ;)

Just a really quick one as I shouldn't be posting here until I've got a project out of the way over the next week or so, but due to an attempted theft of my car yesterday morning I ramped up super quickly and got the LK-790 monitoring outside of my window alongside a Hikvision camera so thank-you very much Robert. I wanted to get the camera working with Blue Iris if possible so I've just done a quick penetration test of the camera and sure enough there is an RTSP stream hidden in there you can access from Windows, Mac OSX or Linux with common software such as VLC.


Here's an example of how it looks within VLC. You can see it's a very nice stream actually (and this is the 2Mpixel stream - you can also have 1 or 3Mbps streams from this camera).


I need to sort the clock time out but the quality is very nice indeed on this one and has a lot of the traits of the Lukas dashcams so I'm assuming we're looking at the same TI platform but until the first firmwares hit I can't confirm.

I need to spend more time playing around with this - I'm especially interested in how this gets on at night time as the IMX322 has definite WDR advantages over the sensors that are more common in CCTV cameras.

It's a nice little unit and the Wifi range seems to work well and I'm accessing it from the other side of the house right now on the internal aerial.

See you all in a week :)
Have a good week!

Thrilled you found the RTSP stream! Going to set mine up again, and see if I can figure out why I only get a couple feet of wifi range.
And boom just like that.
Connect my MBP to the lukas wifi network, and point VLC to rtsp:// And I have got a live stream of my Lukas 790! To easy!

I bet if I were to place one of these in my vehicles with a extended wifi antenna. I would be able to monitor my car park remotely! We just need some open source software that can monitor that stream, and alert you if there is movement on a selectable part of the video. Plus if there was a program that would let you save that video stream, and/or stream it to the web. Then the lk 790 would be a real winner!
And boom just like that.
Connect my MBP to the lukas wifi network, and point VLC to rtsp:// And I have got a live stream of my Lukas 790! To easy!

I bet if I were to place one of these in my vehicles with a extended wifi antenna. I would be able to monitor my car park remotely! We just need some open source software that can monitor that stream, and alert you if there is movement on a selectable part of the video. Plus if there was a program that would let you save that video stream, and/or stream it to the web. Then the lk 790 would be a real winner!
That would be neat. I can think of some applications for that.
It looks totally silly, like a dash-cam repackaged as a CCTV security cam?

Care to climb a ladder to retrieve the SD Card? You still need a DVR and so this camera has redundant hardware.
GPS in a fixed-mount camera? Waste of money.
Earthquake detection - what you aren't recording already?
Ok it's wireless and you still need a power cable running to it. Why not POE?
Indoor use only?

I guess I'm not impressed and can't see a use for it.
Haha Ken, I agree the LK790 is definitely not for everyone.

But as a easy to use plug and play camera, with wifi. I can see various uses for it. Evermore so, if we can record the wifi stream remotely.
Have you seen any firmware updates for this one at all yet please Robert?

I'm just catching up with things after a manic couple of months at work and I've not found anything on the Lukas website, just fired it back up to see if I can capture any fireworks tonight.

It sat running for around six weeks with no stability issues or anything to report, just the night footage needs tweaking as it is - it definitely needs a light source.