New V3, some weird issues.


New Member
Feb 20, 2019
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Just received my new 119 V3, updated firmware to latest, have a 128Gb card in it. I also got the 3 wire hardwire kit, but have not installed yet.
Image quality better than older 119S, but some weird things going on;
- Camera powered on all the time, I have Parking mode set to Auto Event. It will record on motion just fine, but when i start driving won't record. Screen on, red dot on screen but nothing on the memory card. Card not full, only 30Gb used.
- Another time, recording while parked just fine, but when i started to drive, it recorded in 1 minute intervals, not 3 like its supposed too and image recording was like hiccups, freeze and go, freeze and go, makes video useless. Seemed like it never switch to driving mode.
- I don't get the files names.. Some have a "P" at end of the file. I thought that was for parking mode. But i have some files recorded while parked and no "P". Confusing the way files are. Should have a folder for parking and one for "normal" recording, like other cameras.
- 119S had screensaver option that worked well, after 1 minute screen would go off. V3 has that option, but screen doesn't turn off. So many quirks with this camera.

Bad camera or something funny going on?
Test your memory card or try a different one. Memory cards are always the place to begin troubleshooting.

Also, try it with parking mode disabled and see what happens.
Did you update the camera or did it come with the latest version? If you updated, did you manually default the cameras settings after updating? Do so if you did not. I would also recommend pressing and holding the hard reset button on the side of the camera for about 5 seconds.
Where did you buy the memory card?
For parking mode to work well, it really needs the 3-wire kit.
Camera had firmware 1.03 (1.3?) updated to 2.0. I did reset defaults after update (learned hard way with 119S).
Card should be ok, its been working on another camera for a few months with no issues (4k camera). formatted in the dashcam. Card was purchased from Canada Computers, black friday. Wasn't used for a few months. card shows true size in pc, only 30gb were used in the dashcam. Camera was used only 3 days with mostly parked time and driven twice for few hours, so 30gb might be all that was recorded. Missing footage shouldn't been re-written with all empty space, if that was the case. Some hiccup's i can live with, missing footage no.
disabling parking for now, planning getting 3 wire kit installed saturday and move the 119S to rear. should be fun.

the 119S did the stop and go, stop and go once and would pixelate the video, different card. Was on hot day, so i just blamed it on heat and moved on. Wonder if there's more to it.

Should be camera be powered thru GPS module or camera itself? i had it on GPS
So, reset everything last night, Parking Mode off, mostly left everything as default. Video still freezing and artifacts. Tried another SD card and still having the same issue. Something not right with this camera or GPS unit. Not heat related, was cool this morning. Will switch power to camera tomorrow and see what happens.
I think you should post all your settings.

Could it be that you have something like Motion Detection or time-lapse enabled, (not the parking version)? I've never tried that, but they say that can mess up your experience.

resolution- 2560x1440 60fp
bitrate- high
loop rec- 3m
video format- .mp4
exposure- 0.0
hdr- off
Park mode- off
time lapse- off
G-sensor- low
motion detection- off

everything else at default.
Try it at 30fps?
I selected 30fps, see what happens. Thanks
Installed the 3 wire hardware, starting to regret my purchase. Why in the world would they put that ferrite core glued to the usb wire? In my install, could not had been in a worse location. What a pain to feed it thru some tight spots. Not including fuse taps really dumb too. I had some spares, no big deal for me, but still dumb decision.
Lets see what happens with video next few days.
Happy to report Parking Mode working well with 3 wire kit. Highest voltage cut-off works for about 1 1/2 to 2 days, not bad.
Video still stutters now and than, 30fps seem to have helped. Ordered another SD Card, will try 60fps again just to rule it out.
Just received my new 119 V3, updated firmware to latest, have a 128Gb card in it. I also got the 3 wire hardwire kit, but have not installed yet.
Image quality better than older 119S, but some weird things going on;
- Camera powered on all the time, I have Parking mode set to Auto Event. It will record on motion just fine, but when i start driving won't record. Screen on, red dot on screen but nothing on the memory card. Card not full, only 30Gb used.
- Another time, recording while parked just fine, but when i started to drive, it recorded in 1 minute intervals, not 3 like its supposed too and image recording was like hiccups, freeze and go, freeze and go, makes video useless. Seemed like it never switch to driving mode.
- I don't get the files names.. Some have a "P" at end of the file. I thought that was for parking mode. But i have some files recorded while parked and no "P". Confusing the way files are. Should have a folder for parking and one for "normal" recording, like other cameras.
- 119S had screensaver option that worked well, after 1 minute screen would go off. V3 has that option, but screen doesn't turn off. So many quirks with this camera.

Bad camera or something funny going on?
fully format it in the computer then in the camera sometimes it has to be done every 6months or so