nextbase 300W


New Member
Jan 10, 2022
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United Kingdom
Bought two NEXTBASE 300W's two NEXTBASE mem cards and two NEXTBASE hardwired kits one for the wife and one for the grand daughter, All OK till new years day when I was showing the wife how to use it with her phone/app before she went back to work.

I noticed the time and date was 0000 2018 basically I found it would not work correctly with the year set at 2022, I tried a reset, a default and even reloaded the firmware from NEXTBASE.

I phoned the grand daughter she checked hers it was the same it had defaulted to 2018.

I phoned NEXTBASE they have sent my complaint to an higher place after they could not get it to accept 2022. Waiting for an email from them.

My grand daughter emailed NEXTBASE stating it was hard wired etc and every morning before she goes to her work place she needs to reset it to 2022 because every morning it goes back to 2018, her reply from NEXTBASE "can you let me if it's hard wired or not", she replied read the email (it's hard wired).

I have set the wife's to 2021 and it works OK but not ideal, I'm waiting for an email from NEXTBASE. I found if I set my 300W to 2022 it looks like it's working but it's not actually adding recording anything to the mem card and when the unit turns off after 5 mins the time stops going up, so I have to format the card and set it back to 2021 to make it record again, it seems they are not programmed to work after 2021 believe it or not, anyone else with a 300W please check, You don't want to be driving thinking you are recording your journey when you're not. Hopefully NEXTBASE will get back with a solution?