No Event Log with new install.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2016
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United States
Recently installed a BlueSkySea 0906 and a B1W setup in my daily beater (B1W used for interior shot)

Both are hardwired using the parking kit(s) and appear to be functioning fine, however, when I pull the sd card on the Mini for review on my laptop, it doesn't show an Event File

This is what I get:


I have plenty of photos in the photo file, a complete series of video clips in both the Front and Rear files, but nothing regarding all of the locked event files, in which I'm pretty sure should be about 15 I made earlier today using the remote :unsure:

The B1W works as it should and has a separate Event File


How do I get to the Event File on the 0906?
did you try doing the event on the camera directly rather than via the remote?

No, I've only tried it with the remote so far...

When I hold the button down, the LCD lights up and the padlock icon shows up on the display.
Just tried it manually and have the same issue.

Also, is there supposed to be a separate file for parking mode?

Seems like a PITA to sort through all the footage whether it's in Motion Detect or Time Lapse
I have yet to update, but I will tomorrow.

Will there be separate files for both Events and Parking Mode?
Current version is “0906FW20180125V1”

What is the latest version?
OK, updated the firmware yesterday and still have the same issue (no Event file)

The only differences I've noticed is that the LCD now turns on when I turn on the ignition (a welcome feature), however, it seems that the photos I snap with the remote doesn't appear in the Photo file (even though it clearly makes the shutter noise each time I use it)

View attachment 41464

locked file is only read file (PS, image came from another friend of forum )

But there is new firmware updates recently. Released in a few days.

How do I get my files to show attributes?

That would make it easier to sort through, however, a separate file like the one used in the B1W would be best.
OK, tried that and still no changes made to the files.

Can someone post a screen shot of all the files shown when it's working properly?
OK, I finally figured out the attribute thing.....

They won't show when you have the files viewed as icons, so they have to be viewed as "details"

Right Click>View>Details

Then Right Click>Sort By>More>Make Sure Attributes is Checked

Now the Attributes will show up and the ones maked "RA" (the actual event files) can be highlighted and moved to an Event folder

Still a bit of a PITA as a separate EVENT file would be much easier, but at least we're getting somewhere.

On my old 0801, each of the Event files were individually labeled with an "EMG", so all I had to do was search "EMG" and they would all pop up, then I would just transfer those files to my laptop for editing.

Now that we have that sorted, is there a way to distinguish the Parking Mode files from the actual driven files without actually viewing them?