No way to turn off speed display?


New Member
Dec 20, 2016
Reaction score
United States
I have the G1W-S with the GPS connected, and the latest firmware (the one with the file-protect function). I believe there is no way to remove the speed display from the video without disconnecting the GPS module. This is something that can negatively impact you following an accident, even one where you are not at fault. This would be a very basic feature to implement in firmware, but VIOFO has abandoned support for this camera. It was released in the beginning of 2017. Shameful.

If I'm wrong about this lack of function, let me know.
I don't think it can be switched off with GPS still connected

To be honest, Would it really go against you if you collided at 38mph in a 35 zone? I'm sure there'd be margin for error with speeds calculated by GPS so unless you're going ridiculously faster than you should be, would it really pose such an issue?
I don't think it can be switched off with GPS still connected

To be honest, Would it really go against you if you collided at 38mph in a 35 zone? I'm sure there'd be margin for error with speeds calculated by GPS so unless you're going ridiculously faster than you should be, would it really pose such an issue?

I'm a pretty sedate driver, and won't go more than a few miles above posted speed limits. There is a thing called split liability in my state when it comes to insurance, though. Being assigned 10% or 15% responsibility due to slight speeding would suck.

This is decided between insurance companies, not in court, so the standard for evidence is much lower.
out of curiosity, how much would it negatively affect future premiums being held 10% responsible?

I don't know if we have split liability here with percentages like that, but we do have 50/50

I think I'd actually like to be the guy working for the insurance company deciding who's at fault :D
You'll probably need to drop the GPS unit to do this. If you really need it post-crash, your speed can be determined by time vs length of travel as shown in your vids which will be far more accurate anyway. I prefer to not have GPS shown as I am no more a perfect driver than anyone else :whistle: And as a lawyer once told me it's best to give the least evidence you can to the opposition until the time and place for that is proper. We don't have split liability here- whoever is deemed at fault pays for the damage their vehicle does. That is usually determined by who was ticketed for the crash, and you fight the ticket(s) in court. Vids alone should be sufficient to show your innocence without an attached speed :cool:

The "S" was Viofo's first cam with the Sony 322/323 sensor and indeed one of the earlier ones on the market using it. Since it's introduction he has produced much better more popular cams, and many other new budget-level cams have come to market using the Sony sensor too, so the one main selling point of this cam has become redundant. It's not a big seller :( Given all that, the "S" isn't likely to see more than we have now. He's a business, and to compete his attention and focus has to be on the more profitable ventures ;) For what it is, the "S" is still a good cam for low-light and for it's cost just as it is.
