Nobel Prize for the mRNA vaccines


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Sep 22, 2013
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Way back on November 29 2020, in the now closed COVID thread on this forum I speculated that Katalin Karikó, a Hungarian biochemist who did pioneering work on the original concepts behind the mRNA vaccine more than 30 years ago, might be a candidate for the Nobel Prize for her work. I was delighted to learn that today it was announced that she, along with her colleague Drew Weisman will both share the prize!

She was a professor at University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine (PennMed) when she lost her grants. In 2012, Karikó and Drew Weissman, an immunologist at the University of Pennsylvania, received a patent for the use of several modified nucleosides to reduce the antiviral immune response to mRNA and they founded a small company. Soon after, the university sold the intellectual property license.

BioNTech in Germany, where Karikó now works said in June that about 1.5 billion people across the world had received its mRNA shot, co-developed with Pfizer.

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Congratulations, excellent results!

Denmark ready to throw out 2 billion DKkr worth of vaccines that's getting too old, i think its not the first time either.
We also threw out ( sort off ) a few 100 million DKkr worth of our own vaccine research, though this as it use a brand new approach are also applicable in other regards, and as you might know Danish medical companies are no small players.
Actually the biggest company in Denmark are now are a medical / pharma company, outperforming players like Maersk shipping LEGO and what not.

Right now, high numbers of whooping cough / pertussis in Denmark.
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Right now, high numbers of whooping cough / pertussis in Denmark.
Are you not all vaccinated for that when young?
That vaccine works well, and is safe!
Yes, well aside for Vaxxers and i assume the people we invite into our comfortable warm "nest"
Congratulations, excellent results!

You know @Nigel, it comes as no surprise that you would respond to my thread celebrating the Noble Prize awarded for the remarkable achievements of two scientists who spent more than 30 years laying the groundwork for the creation of the mRNA vaccines that have been safely administered to billions of people and have saved millions of lives and that are currently leading to advanced cancer treatments and vaccines for such intractable diseases such as malaria by posting the exact same sort of provocative and divisive political propaganda you engaged in that got the original COVID thread shut down. Only you would post a disparaging anti-mRNA vaccine propaganda video in a thread congratulating the scientists who just won the Noble Prize for devoting their entire professional careers to bringing this transformational biomedical technology to fruition.

The video you posted is produced by UnHerd, a right wing Conservative YouTube outlet founded by a Conservative British political activist and funded by a billionaire Conservative British hedge fund manager who are also behind the YouTube propaganda channel "LockDown TV". The channels have regularly been flagged and accused of promoting misleading and biased information about a variety of right wing talking points using a technique known as "soft propaganda", which is what this video you posted happens to be. It is against the rules here to post political material but as always, when it comes to such things you ignore the rules.

Do you really believe that cynically offering the comment, "Congratulations, excellent results!" would allow you to sneak your agenda into the thread without anyone noticing what you are doing here?

The video, titled "Danish professor: mRNA vaccine study sends 'danger signals' features a Danish university professor, Christine Stabell-Benn discussing a study she was engaged in as if her alleged findings were actually absolutely factual, yet unlike any other legitimate researcher in her field her paper was never formally published or peer reviewed. Responsible scientists do not give detailed public interviews about unpublished research studies without first having their work peer reviewed by their professional colleagues after formal publication, especially to known political propaganda outlets. At the same time some of her research which was indeed legitimate was used here to further mislead and was picked up by other right wing outlets.

Of course, this is suspect on the face of it but authoritative entities, researchers and medical experts in the the field have analyzed her study and found its conclusions to be flawed, substantially incorrect, misleading and sloppy even though it does contain some legitimate information.

Numerous legitimate studies show mRNA vaccines to be safe and highly effective with no evidence of statistically relevant excess mortality.

Your post here is simply an extension of the same politically motivated tropes you engaged in three years ago when you repeatedly attacked American medical institutions and individual scientists such as Anthony Fauci for their COVID research and breakrhoughs while touting the alleged superiority of the British AstraZenica vaccine that had manifested well documented and serious medical issues during its development and testing.



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