Normal eyesight


New Member
Jan 28, 2023
Reaction score
Aurora missouri
United States
Out of curiosity assuming an officer has 20/20 vision would he be able to see if a 1999 Safari (white) had a front plate from at least 100 yards away on a poorly light street? Mind you smack dab in the middle of the 2 vehicles is an intersection both vehicles would of been 50 yards back from the intersection. Officer was moving West bound making a right hand turn. Van made a right hand turn making his travel east bound. Van stopped in middle of side road to ask a walking pedestrian if they needed a ride. Would it be possible for the officer to notice if there was a plate or not? Officer says In report and probable cause statement there was not one, his body cam says he pulled me over for stopping in middle of roadway, not once does he mention the plate. Plate was not missing. Basically I am curious if I should bother fighting the ticket or just pay it.