Not shutting down correctly


New Member
Jan 17, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I noticed yesterday that my mini 0803 once the power of the car is turned off it doesnt do its gradual power down, instead it turns off instantly. The problem comes upon startup again, the camera asks a yes/no question along the lines of proceed with data recovery, meaning it currently is not recording automatically.

I assume that the battery has just expired, what is the best way to fix this problem?
Open it up and replace the battery, its a 10 minute or so job to do and should cost you less than $10 to fix
Sorry if its been asked before, but what type of batteries does the 0803 require?
it's a 3.7v lipo battery, arround 300mAh, the pictures here somewhere from one that has been pulled down
I've had something similar, i replaced the battery and it went away for a while but has returned since I think even the new battery isnt being charged.
I think its the charging circuit on mine
Having managed to restore my 0805 I just discovered this thread which appears to be a problem I'm facing.

Thankfully it appears my mini remote gyrocopter uses 3.7 LiPo batteries and I had a spare because of that not re-charging properly.

Job for tomorrow.