NSFW - My second dashcam compilation :D

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Deleted member 44607

Hello again everyone!

I'll be making one of these a month, and possibly do a yearly compilation out of the best stuff.

January has turned out to have the theme of suicidal pedestrians, and I've even included a number of mistakes I've made as well which I don't see a lot of dashcammers doing. My friend's mum went off on a rant about dashcammers judging everyone's driving but being rubbish at driving themselves :ROFLMAO: So I'm interested to know if there's anyone else who uploads their clips and whether or not you include your own mess ups? (or do you never mess up? ;) )
Way too much anger.

Way too much anger.


Funny thing, my girlfriend says the same thing :ROFLMAO:
But yeah, I'm well aware that I need to chill a bit more when idiots do idiot things :')
The second clip I was just having a nightmare of a day and as you can probably tell I wasn't in the greatest of moods :rolleyes:
I agree, while the idiots are still idiots, you're starting to get too angry, this will cause you to do what I did, going out randomly driving just to see what tools can annoy you just to shame them on youtube. Yep, I was doing this quite a lot, however I was still behaving by the wheel, there are a lot of people who basically attack roundabouts just to get clips!!

This is one of the reasons I actually stopped doing compilations, I noticed I was catching the same kind of incidents week in week out and effectively boring myself and after 20ish compilations, I actually began to hate doing them, and also hate how angry I was getting in the car.

In the last year of making compilations I just learned to become much more calm, and I'm actually at the point where unless someone does something so dangerous and almost unpredictable that I have to take sudden avoiding action, I literally don't react at all anymore, even when it's an idiot coming off an on-slip missing my front bumper by a few inches, I just ease off my pedal and let them scream off in the distance.

Much of everything in many of the compilations seem to be mirrored by every other compilation uploader now, and some are even non-incidents, where a simple deep breath and being aware is better than catching clips to upload

I have a couple of clips of some genuine near-misses, and a guy paying a lot of attention to his nostrils in his mirror behind me at traffic lights, but nowhere near enough for a decent compilation, and that's from the last few months of driving
I agree, while the idiots are still idiots, you're starting to get too angry, this will cause you to do what I did, going out randomly driving just to see what tools can annoy you just to shame them on youtube. Yep, I was doing this quite a lot, however I was still behaving by the wheel, there are a lot of people who basically attack roundabouts just to get clips!!

This is one of the reasons I actually stopped doing compilations, I noticed I was catching the same kind of incidents week in week out and effectively boring myself and after 20ish compilations, I actually began to hate doing them, and also hate how angry I was getting in the car.

In the last year of making compilations I just learned to become much more calm, and I'm actually at the point where unless someone does something so dangerous and almost unpredictable that I have to take sudden avoiding action, I literally don't react at all anymore, even when it's an idiot coming off an on-slip missing my front bumper by a few inches, I just ease off my pedal and let them scream off in the distance.

Much of everything in many of the compilations seem to be mirrored by every other compilation uploader now, and some are even non-incidents, where a simple deep breath and being aware is better than catching clips to upload

I have a couple of clips of some genuine near-misses, and a guy paying a lot of attention to his nostrils in his mirror behind me at traffic lights, but nowhere near enough for a decent compilation, and that's from the last few months of driving

I appreciate the insight there, I like to think I'm quite a safe driver, very observant and I stick to the less space, less speed rule. Believe it or not I used to be much worse in terms of road rage before buying my dashcam! If anything, the security of it being there has calmed me down a significant amount. I do genuinely enjoy driving, and I do a lot of it, I'm no stranger to the Sunday drive. When I first passed my test I used to do a 15 mile circular route around the nearby villages through B roads to get comfortable with my car. I even used to go to empty car parks at night to improve on my parking post test too! :geek:

I've seen one guy in particular on YouTube, his name escapes me, but he's literally resting on his horn before even entering roundabouts, it's so ridiculous :ROFLMAO:

Watch both of my compilations if you haven't and you'll see I'm not 100% raging all the time, in my first compilation there's a clip I get in my friends car when we got rear ended one night, I got out of the car first and calmly approached the driver, both of us asking if the other was okay which in turn calmed my mate down to an inside voice as well, haha!

I like editing the videos as well to be fair, I get a lot of clips, usually 2-4 clips during an errand day, 1-2 clips on a 90 minute random boredom drive, on days when I'm traveling between cities I can get up to 10 but a lot of clips get dropped for various reasons. Those reasons could be that: whatever happens is too far away; the incident wasn't blatant or severe enough; if there's far too many of the same type of clip; etc. I tend to put the more interesting clips at the beginning of the videos the second half is more just me sighing "idiot" and pressing the save button :p

I might fall out of love with it like you did, I fall in and out of love with many hobbies but for the time being I enjoy driving, I love my car, and I enjoy capturing things to edit and present to the world from my drives :) The goal for now is just to make a compilation per month of whatever clips I get whilst I'm out doing things across the whole year as something to do alongside my studies, and do a big highlights compilation at the end of the year.
I have seen both your compilations and they're good, but you very much remind me of how I used to be up until really quite recently and to be fair I think you'd feel better about getting bored realising you're seeing the same kind of idiots, rather than getting angry at everyone, I still love driving more than anything, but I just don't get the chance to do it as much now.
yeah that's a good part of why i haven't done any comps lately either. when i do comps, i try to only include the really egregious stuff, but also things that are rare, like someone waving thank you, or polite pedestrians/cyclists, but also i like to include weird/funny/cool vehicles i capture.

and even from the outset, i refused to call my comps "bad drivers of ____" because i wasn't just focusing on the bad driver aspects.
yeah that's a good part of why i haven't done any comps lately either. when i do comps, i try to only include the really egregious stuff, but also things that are rare, like someone waving thank you, or polite pedestrians/cyclists, but also i like to include weird/funny/cool vehicles i capture.

and even from the outset, i refused to call my comps "bad drivers of ____" because i wasn't just focusing on the bad driver aspects.

It's funny you mention that because I actually don't like the title of the videos but it's a decent placeholder since I tend to focus mainly on other people's and my own mistakes. I'm open to suggestions for what to call them as I'm struggling to come up with anything better than "Dashcam Clips - Locations - Date" myself. I'm probably going to go through a lot of names before settling on one, most likely based on if I notice a pattern of one name getting more views than the other.
Anger , and doing some of the things OP is complaining about others ... Hmmmmm .
I watch the video and think - Relax / relax ..
Stress kills ...
I remember the oops where you did not see the car from the right - you were quite forgiving off yourself and left handedly faulting the other car for coming from no where ... ( Cars dont come from no where - we fail to see them )

Then later in the video you Po/po another driver for being slow to give way / notice you .. ( You must have come from no where )

It's very easy to find fault with others / or blame others .. I only blame others when they are truly homicidal in their choices .. Small things = being human , BIG things = being stupid !

And I fully support Upskilling / Retraining poor drivers ( pull their license and let them start again )
Hello again everyone!

I'll be making one of these a month, and possibly do a yearly compilation out of the best stuff.

January has turned out to have the theme of suicidal pedestrians, and I've even included a number of mistakes I've made as well which I don't see a lot of dashcammers doing. My friend's mum went off on a rant about dashcammers judging everyone's driving but being rubbish at driving themselves :ROFLMAO: So I'm interested to know if there's anyone else who uploads their clips and whether or not you include your own mess ups? (or do you never mess up? ;) )

I could make quite a compilation of my mistakes. From bad lane changes to driving down the wrong way of a parking lot. My motto on the last one is " If you see no Indians, ignore the arrows!"
I remember the oops where you did not see the car from the right - you were quite forgiving off yourself and left handedly faulting the other car for coming from no where ... ( Cars dont come from no where - we fail to see them )

Then later in the video you Po/po another driver for being slow to give way / notice you .. ( You must have come from no where )

It's very easy to find fault with others / or blame others .. I only blame others when they are truly homicidal in their choices .. Small things = being human , BIG things = being stupid !

And I fully support Upskilling / Retraining poor drivers ( pull their license and let them start again )

Surely I would be a lot more forgiving of myself if I hadn't even put it in the video? If I mess up, I'm more than willing to post the clip in my own video and embarrass myself, the video for February has me stalling horrendously on a hill twice in a row and slightly knocking a bollard in a car park, maybe some more I can't remember as I haven't began editing yet.

I don't claim to be the best, most flawless driver ever, as for me getting mad, I'm on the road. A LOT. In a month, I capture roughly 100 clips and delete half of them because it's me being far too picky and would make a boring video. We all have bad days right? The more "dramatic" clips are just that.

The "came from nowhere" was my way of saying I didn't see them. I wasn't blaming them but I do 100% see how it looks that way. I should avoid over-explaining my mistakes in future because it does kinda come across as "pfft, wasn't my fault" now that I watch it back.

As for me po/po'ing another driver (not familiar with the term, I assume it means attempting to hurry along?) I believe you're talking about the clip in South Cave, or possibly Cottingham? It's a massive pet peeve of mine when people block a road whilst waiting for the other side to clear. If it's not 100% clear, don't cross the give way. It gets under my skin. The one in South Cave was just silly, I flash them like four times after I spot them move into the path of the red car and then they just don't move. If you cross the give way turning right, and sit there waiting blocking the other half of the road, SURELY you should be looking left for when you can get out of everyone's way? Or better yet, stay behind the give way until both sides are clear :ROFLMAO:

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to watch the video and give me feedback! :) It got me reviewing and analyzing my clips a great deal. And you're right, it is very easy to find fault in other's driving, never realized it before owning a dashcam, haha!
I see a some of who I was before getting cam'ed - in you ..
I had a lot of pet peeves ! ( Things that made me angry ) , but it really is a waste of energy and stress is not good for you !
These days I drive as little as possible , more walking . And when you walk it gives you more time to see how silly people are .. And just how much they lack skill / or the willingness to drive carefully / by the rules .
Or how callus they can be ! ( Dangerous ) ...
I have seen a few people I would not mind raging on , true scum of the earth !

But such is life ... Sure my hackles get raised , I swear like a storm trooper when some one endangers me ..
And if I had the money , I would sue them for dangerous driving ( F going thru the police ) .. Be lucky if the police would even ticket them .
I am seriously considering a class action suit against the gooberment for aiding and abetting or just gross negligence - possibly complicity - for allowing such under skilled drivers on the road ...
Having already contacted the minister for transport , and being left wondering just how intelligent they are . I can only conclude that we have some serious dumb dumb's running the show .
Especially as I was told that drivers were safe and did not need up skilling . ( SAFE ? ) I guess we have no road toll , no people in hospital as a result of road trauma , and there has been no revenue collecting .

What do you do when those in power have their heads up their collective asses .
I no longer waste energy on the tools on the road , they do what they do because they are allowed to do so ... I now blame the powers that be for doing nothing to change the statue quo !