Oldest Mobius


Active Member
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mobius (Super Cap)
Just wondered who has had their Mobius the longest on here and if it's still going strong?
Just wondered who has had their Mobius the longest on here and if it's still going strong?

"Oldest" Mobius has Tom Frank from RCGroups and @Isoprop, ask them ;) They got theirs way b4 release.

I got mine A-lens 2 weeks after release and it still going strong. Very happy with both ( A and B lens models )
When you say release, when was this? :)
Some time in early summer of 2013. Dont remember exact date any more. Check RCGroups.
Oh ok, so a good 8/9 months at least. What is the typical life of a dash cam? Is there a record for a particular model?

Sorry going off on a tangent here, just this week I've became obsessed with dash cams :confused:o_O
My F70 is a couple of years old & still working OK in my car (about half hour am & pm). My DOD is around 4 - 5 years old & still works - got it set up as a rear cam in my bus at work, so it's getting some hammering compared to the normal 'domestic' dashcam use.
"Oldest" Mobius has Tom Frank from RCGroups and @Isoprop, ask them ;) They got theirs way b4 release.

I got mine A-lens 2 weeks after release and it still going strong. Very happy with both ( A and B lens models )
My original circuit board originates from early April 2013 and is still going strong. Initially we only received the board because the case wasn't ready. I believe Tom's original is lying on the bottom of a river after he made some tests a few months ago.
Rc applications tend to be hard on actioncams ;) i have killed a couple ( non mobius ) and i drive scale 4x4 witch dont do more than 15 - 20 km/h.

I wish mobius would make a cam half the size and with external power supply, this way i can hook it up to my reciver and place the camera inside the body / Cage.
Only problem would be i some times use my Little Rc 4x4 as a 4 wheeled submarine :D my esc - reciver - servos are all waterproof but water and mud are hard on the motors 4 sure :p
What is the typical life of a dash cam? Is there a record for a particular model?

My first dash cam was an AT20 that I purchased just over two years ago (obsolete but still available from Foxoffer!) It performed admirably as a permanently installed dash cam under high heat and extreme cold conditions with the exception that the circuit that provides the start-up, shut-down and beep sounds failed. Other than that it still works perfectly (with the original battery) and I repurposed it as an indoor surveillance camera where it resides invisibly but sort of in plain sight, in a basket full of assorted junk on a shelf, plugged into a USB adapter where it often runs hours on end facing a glass door at the back of my house when no one is home for periods during the day. As an older camera with a lower bit rate it records for approximately 5 hours of 1080p video on a SandDisk Ultra 32 GB card.
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I've had a Mobius Lens A since the end of July 2013. Used from -28c to +34c outside temps, no problems so far.
Mobius was released at the end of June 2013 fyi.
Almost a year has passed. Can we see some updates?
I don't know if my camera 'counts', but I've been using my prototype since 18th April 2013 and it's still going strong! The camera came without a case and didn't have the rear LED. In the meantime it's obviously got a case but still no rear LED ;).
I use it for testing all the time, so it's had a fair bit of usage and one new battery. I also had to change the lens module because the original ribbon cable (prototype) was too thin and cracked at some point in time which isn't surprising since we had to hold the lens freehand. The lens was glued to the barrel so it wasn't possible to adjust the focus. The lens modules which were later released for sale were an enormous improvement to what we originally tested.
My first Mobius is from November 2013 and since then it was almost all the time in the car with exterior temperatures from -20 to 35 Celsius, with the original battery inside, which is still good enough, but it's about to be replaced with a capacitor.
One thing about the Mobius battery that bothers me... It's a LiPo Battery and LiPo batteries should be stored at 40%-->60% charge. However, in a dash cam set-up, it's going to be stored with almost 100% charge; which is the worst possible storage condition. A LiPo stored at near 100% charge deteriorates over time. While I've been lucky with my Mobius so far, the more I dig into LiPo battery information, the more I realize it's time to switch to a capacitor.
One thing about the Mobius battery that bothers me... It's a LiPo Battery and LiPo batteries should be stored at 40%-->60% charge. However, in a dash cam set-up, it's going to be stored with almost 100% charge; which is the worst possible storage condition. A LiPo stored at near 100% charge deteriorates over time. While I've been lucky with my Mobius so far, the more I dig into LiPo battery information, the more I realize it's time to switch to a capacitor.

This leads to a few questions.

How can we know the percentage of charge in a battery?

Why are dash cams set up to charge more than 60%?

Why do dash cams not use a nicad or nimh battery? The battery does not need to hold a charge for an exceptionally long time in this application.
One thing about the Mobius battery that bothers me... It's a LiPo Battery and LiPo batteries should be stored at 40%-->60% charge. However, in a dash cam set-up, it's going to be stored with almost 100% charge; which is the worst possible storage condition. A LiPo stored at near 100% charge deteriorates over time. While I've been lucky with my Mobius so far, the more I dig into LiPo battery information, the more I realize it's time to switch to a capacitor.
I don't think in normal use your battery is at 100% Mine sees normal duty in my car and if I remove it to charge, it's definitely not fully charged and takes a while to charge.
I'm making an assumption here and I could be wrong, but the Mobius is also targeted at the RC Group where long run times off of the battery are needed. While the battery could be charged to only 3.87 volts, about 60% charge, it would not last as long for RC use. I'm guessing that they tend to set the upper charge at up to 4.2 volts or almost 100% charge, or at least close to that.