Parking a Porsche the hardest way. Literally!

Module 79L

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2015
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Dash Cam
AT11DA, SG9665XS, G1W-H
Disclaimer: If the sound of scraping metal makes you cringe, don't watch this video! :eek:

Wow, looks a drunk driver trying to hide his car after a white knuckle ride home.
iirc I think it was the owners son who took the car for a spin, and after hitting a car or two put it back in the garage, with out telling/asking his parents first
Haha dad will never notice the right front wheel allmost beeing torn off :rolleyes:

Some times i get freaked out about what NOT go thru the mind of some ppl.

That kid's grounded until he collects social security. Stealing parent's car, joyriding, no license, causing accidents, leaving scene of accident, crashing into garage.

Forget grounding, I'd disown him and throw him out of the house.
Better at parking porsche than this guy is driving his lambo :D
Vancouver Police Nab Suspected Hit-And-Run Driver
Video of one of the worst parking jobs in human history has helped police nab a teenage driver suspected in a Vancouver hit and run accident.

On June 16, Vancouver police were called to an accident on West 36th Avenue, between Granville and Oak Streets.

VPD spokesperson Const. Brian Montague says a white Porsche Cayenne SUV had struck a parked vehicle and fled the scene.

“We didn’t have a whole lot to go on in the hit-and-run investigation … but a few days later we received a video which really helped us connect the dots,” he said.

The video, which appears to have been shot by a neighbour and was posted to YouTube, Facebook and Reddit, shows the driver of the suspect vehicle struggling mightily to pull into a garage. The front passenger tire is already shredded and bent as the driver awkwardly angles the car into the garage, scraping the driver’s side along the entrance.

“Thanks to the video we have identified the driver and the vehicle,” said Montague

The 16-year-old boy behind the wheel of the luxury vehicle didn’t have a driver’s licence.

“He panicked at the accident and took off,” said Montague.

Montague says if the teen had stayed at the scene he likely would have just been given a $276 ticket for driving without a licence.

“Because he didn’t stick around, he ended up being charged with a host of motor vehicle infractions including having no licence, hit and run, and driving without due care.” he said. “He also completely ruined that garage and did additional damage to the vehicle. Whether insurance will cover any of that is highly doubtful.”
i don't know if it's sad or just pathetic that people will pay that much for a VW touareg with a different badge on it. it's exactly the same as buying a cadillac escalade instead of a chevy suburban.

wait, let me correct myself... nobody BUYS those vehicles. they LEASE them. aka RENT. aka FLEECE (if you listen to Dave Ramsey)...
i don't know if it's sad or just pathetic that people will pay that much for a VW touareg with a different badge on it. it's exactly the same as buying a cadillac escalade instead of a chevy suburban.

wait, let me correct myself... nobody BUYS those vehicles. they LEASE them. aka RENT. aka FLEECE (if you listen to Dave Ramsey)...
Those high performance cars can be a challenge to drive. It seems if you touched it with a feather, they spin out.
Those high performance cars can be a challenge to drive. It seems if you touched it with a feather, they spin out.
I'd interested in seeing what tires he was running. If I had to guess I bet he was running on summer tires. A few years back I was checking on a sprinkler system that was continuously running late into the night on the main road. The island was maintained by the homeowners association that I was working for at the time. I took a few pics & while I was returning to my vehicle a beautiful 993 Porsche 911 was driving along on his summer tires during the summer time, hit the standing water, spun hit the island where I was just standing seconds earlier. He bent his rear axle & tweaked the body as he had a tough time getting out as the door was jammed shut. It was a 45mph zone and I would say he was cruising along at the speed limit.