Parking G Sensor


New Member
Mar 14, 2023
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United States
I have the parking mode set to auto event detection and the parking g sensor set to high sensitivity. Once the 229 Pro is in parking mode I have attempted to get the cam to lock the file by slamming the car door hard, hitting the windshield hard in close proximity of the 229, but it will not lock the file. Are there other settings that perhaps need to be set as well, in order to get it to lock a file? Are there other methods for testing to see if the G sensor works? I am also wondering if the sensor works that detects a collision while driving, I will assume it’s the same sensor that should detect while in parking mode…..
I noticed the same thing, doesn't announce that it's locking the file in parking mode. But it works while driving when you run over a pothole.
I noticed the same thing, doesn't announce that it's locking the file in parking mode. But it works while driving when you run over a pothole.
Yes, there is no beep or voice notification of locking a video in parking mode as designed.
Yes, there is no beep or voice notification of locking a video in parking mode as designed.
In older reviews and info from Viofo, it is stated that in Auto Event Detection, the G sensor does not work unless the camera detects an event FIRST and starts recording.... THEN the g sensor is active. Is that still the case with A229 Pro? Or can g sensor now lock a parking mode video even if no motion is detected first?
In older reviews and info from Viofo, it is stated that in Auto Event Detection, the G sensor does not work unless the camera detects an event FIRST and starts recording.... THEN the g sensor is active. Is that still the case with A229 Pro? Or can g sensor now lock a parking mode video even if no motion is detected first?
The G-sensor and the AED parking mode are different concepts. The G-sensor will only be triggered when there is an impact or something will bring shakes to the camera both in parking and driving modes, but every moving event will trigger the camera to start recording in AED parking mode. Yes, the camera supports prerecording, it will lock the previous loop if the camere is triggered in the first 15S of current loop. You can refer to the following photo.
Thank you. So even if I set it to AED mode, the G sensor will continue to trigger saving of a video to the RO folder and also include buffered video pre-impact, correct?
There are two settings ... one for driving, the other for parking mode ?
Thank you. So even if I set it to AED mode, the G sensor will continue to trigger saving of a video to the RO folder and also include buffered video pre-impact, correct?
1705974407469.pngYes, G-sensor is aways work both in parking and driving mode. You can set the sensitivity in Parking G-sensor for the parking mode and set the sensitivity in G-sensor for the driving mode.
There are two settings ... one for driving, the other for parking mode ?
This is good, the best design if you ask me.
I do not want G-sensor on during regular driving around, the camera record all the time, if something small happen i press event button, if G-sensor is on here you risk creating false events from potholes ASO.
If something big happen, well i and my car will not be driving anymore, and so the camera not recording any more, so the crash event will be there in the regular files as some of the very last things recorded, in that case IMO no need to have anything locked as a event, and surely not if you have a plenty large memory card.

When in parking guard, while i prefer to use the low bitrate mode, i also like to have G-sensor on ( high ) to lock and act like a flag for any actual events happening, if nothing else it make it more easy to find out when something happened CUZ low bitrate record all the time, so no G-sensor and you have to sit and look over all the footage in 1:1 speed, or maybe if you are lucky can identify the event by looking at the audio graph of the recordings.
The risk of false events is zero - just a bit of "garbage" in the logs.

If something happens and you're unconscious or shaken, hanging upside down in your seatbelt, no button to push :-( . That's what the G-sensor is for --- better a bit more logs than none

The extra logs won't bother you, because you must format the card regularly :-)