Parking mode geofencing


New Member
May 24, 2017
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Having just updated my camera to the latest V1.1_0629, I was disappointed to find out that the parking mode geofencing I read about on this forum is nowhere to be found.

I was really anxious about doing this update, because I have been screwed by technology way too many times, and my camera was working really fine.

Was the geofencing removed? I imagine there would have been some upset users posting about it, which was far as I saw was not the case.
The GPS modul needs power... it needs to be conserved in parking mode. After all, GPS parking space is a must ?+ be disappointed ?
The GPS module has power when you enter parking mode, if the camera decides to turn off due to the geofence then the GPS can also be turned off. If the camera decides to stay on due to the geofence, the GPS can still be turned off, because the car isn't going to be moving while parked so the GPS position can not change, or if it does then the g-sensor will let the camera know that something odd is happening! GPS can be turned back on when parking mode is ended.
Having just updated my camera to the latest V1.1_0629, I was disappointed to find out that the parking mode geofencing I read about on this forum is nowhere to be found.

I was really anxious about doing this update, because I have been screwed by technology way too many times, and my camera was working really fine.

Was the geofencing removed? I imagine there would have been some upset users posting about it, which was far as I saw was not the case.
So sorry that all our cameras cannot support this feature at present. We have added this feature to another model before, but the consequence is not so ideal. So we cancel it again in the newer firmware. Maybe this will be applied when the technology is more mature.
How is it even legal to remove features you paid for?

Can you at least downgrade the firmware?
How is it even legal to remove features you paid for?
Geofencing was never an advertised feature on the A139 Pro.
That means you never “paid” for it.
My guess is that they decided to leave it for a future model, where they can advertise it and recoup the R&D costs.

In terms of implementation, I'd be surprised if this requires more than 100 lines of code, but if bugs and regressions start appearing, costs can quickly pile up.

Actually, if I had the source code, I'd be happy to have a go in my free time.

I'm not bitter though, still a solid camera, I just thought geofencing has long been solved.