
New Member
Jun 12, 2017
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West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Hi Guys,
I'm undecided whether or not to connect my 402G to a permanent live or switched live supply. I have tried both methods, with switched live I've set the auto off setting to 10secs (given the reliability of the li-polymer battery),
but a little voice at the back of my mind tells me it would be better connected to a permanent live supply. I am a tech bod and it would only take me 2 minutes at the most to reconfigure the connections at the fuse box.
Li-polymer batteries should never be allowed to go flat and as they are only capable of powering the dash cam for 6 minutes maximum after switching the supply off, can take up to 2 hours to fully recharge. If I remember rightly, the default setting for auto switch off is 3 minutes ..... so if you're only driving for short distances, it's going to flatten pretty quick without any sufficient charge to the battery. That is why, in my opinion, these batteries are so unreliable. Hence my manually setting auto off to 10 secs and thinking in terms of a permanent live connection.

What are everyone's thoughts on the matter ?
Giving it a permanent live will also massively shorten the life of the battery, I have 5 nextbase cams so have some combined 20 years experience, the issue with the batteries is actually that they are using a rubbish charging regime for the lipo's, they are simply being continually stuffed with power and you cannot do this with this chemistry battery, you will find as time goes on way more issues than the battery, that's why my nextbase are put away, likely going to be thrown out.
Giving it a permanent live will also massively shorten the life of the battery, I have 5 nextbase cams so have some combined 20 years experience, the issue with the batteries is actually that they are using a rubbish charging regime for the lipo's, they are simply being continually stuffed with power and you cannot do this with this chemistry battery, you will find as time goes on way more issues than the battery, that's why my nextbase are put away, likely going to be thrown out.
Cheers for that Tabetha, knew you were a "bit of a bod" and was hoping you'd give me some input :)
At the moment I have it wired up to switched live with a 10 second auto off - would that be ideal ?
I'm no bod at all, just doing what I can these are just my thoughts from my experience with nextbase, I just cannot trust them after all the issues I had with most of them, the service was excellent mostly from nextbase though.
Hi Both,

The default auto-power off is 1o seconds (lots of customers change this) but this can cause the battery life to be shortened further down the line as you've already thought of!!

I recommend leaving the unit on an ignition live supply and with the auto-power off set to 10 seconds. Please ensure you charge it for 2 hours before installing and then periodically charging for 2 hours as you own it (If you frequently have journeys this long you don't need to charge it separate to this).

Unless of course you want to use motion detection when parked up - then you will need continuously live.

Let me know if you want anything else clarifying.