Who’s at fault

  • Main drivers fault

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • Red trucks fault

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jun 20, 2024
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United States
Question for the good people on here, who is at fault here? The driver of the vehicle that this video is from had the green light the red truck then turns with out yielding or stopping. Then the red truck is braking from the moment he enters the on ramp with no blinker engaged, that makes the main driver think the red truck is waiting for him to go ahead of him, when last moment the red truck starts forcing his way over, once again with no turn signal engaged, but now the red truck is just being a dick and speeds up and lets his truck hit the main driver. This happened to a friend and I honestly just want some different opinion’s.

The cops who came ended up finding no one at fault and didn’t issue any citations either
Won’t let me add video so I put it in a link.
Well, from my point of view, the red truck should have stayed in the right lane until any other traffic had cleared him.

Plus... no indication of moving over/merging etc., so blame him.
BUT, the other driver should have been aware of & seen the red truck's movement to his lane & slowed down.

Say > 75% red truck..... 25% other driver.

ps. It happens a lot of times down here as well.
The lanes merged, I don't see that either driver had right of way, so the vehicle in front should go first.

The red truck merged more or less as expected, the owner of the dashcam was in the red truck drivers blindspot, then overtook and collided after the merger. Since it was hard for the red truck driver to see the other vehicle, and it was well behind when the red truck started to merge, I think nearly all the blame has to go to the driver who made the dangerous overtaking manoeuvre, there was no need for that overtake, and it was not sensible to overtake at that location.

However, I do not know much about USA law, so maybe I shouldn't vote?
The driver of the vehicle that this video is from had the green light the red truck then turns with out yielding or stopping.
The accident happened long after the turn, so this is irrelevant.

Then the red truck is braking from the moment he enters the on ramp with no blinker engaged,
Doesn't appear to be braking to me, but even if he was, that would be a reason for extra caution, since you wouldn't know why.

when last moment the red truck starts forcing his way over, once again with no turn signal engaged,
He has reached the merge point, it is normal to move to the centre of the road, and nobody ever uses a turn signal in that situation, he is not turning or changing lane.

but now the red truck is just being a dick and speeds up and lets his truck hit the main driver.
I don't see him speed up, although it is perfectly normal to do so on an on ramp!
Since he doesn't have more than a second from the point at which he likely saw the other vehicle to the time of impact, I don't think he had time to react, so no, he didn't let his truck collide.

The cops who came ended up finding no one at fault and didn’t issue any citations either
I think the driver with the camera was a bit lucky there, especially if the cops where shown the video footage, I think a charge of careless driving would have been reasonable, but it was presumably an accident, so really something for the insurance to sort out, not the cops.

Again, I do not live in the USA, rules are different here.
For UK drivers, BlackBeltBarister just covered this situation from the legal point of view - the dashcam driver could have avoided the accident by not overtaking, so the collision was the dashcam driver's fault:

Hard to tell since you apparently deleted the video

Hard to tell since you apparently deleted the video

View attachment 72945
Probably took it down because it showed his 'friend' as being at fault by using the shoulder/emergency lane to pass the red truck that was already in front of him instead of giving way as he should have.