Pretty odd design


Feb 10, 2018
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United States
Just got ready to install and realized this stupid oversight. Can anyone see what I'm talking about? Hint: I wanted to mount to the front windshield.
Problem is the adhesive mount bracket is not thick enough to allow the end of the micro cord to clear the windshield correctly. I want to add that this is a different cord, but the original stock cord does the same. The input is directly soldered to a circuit board ( I checked ) and with heat and mount/dismounting this is going to be a problem that I'm sure everyone here has once experienced with electronics.
the cable will bend a bit where it hits the window, this may be more of an issue if using some other power supply if the plug design is thicker than usual
Yes, the original cord does fit a bit better. But it still will press against the windshield. I wanted to use my aftermarket cable so that I could use the usb input in my radar detector power cable. Looks like I have to have more cable mess now. At least I'm lucky that I have another power jack in the glove arm rest box. Thanks for the reply jokiin.
I was gonna say I have no issues with mine, and I'm also using the cable housing to hide the wires

Then I remembered I have the nextbase hardwire kit, which is actually a bit trickier as it has the right angle power plug!
Well, I plugged it in to the car and I can't get any response when I hit menu. Looks like this is a dud unit.

Won't record or anything. I notice when I move the lens up and down I get a Yellow hazard triangle...don't know what that means.

Did a factory reset "R" button and nothing changed. Will a reflash of the firmware work? How can I even do that? I hooked it up to the computer and I get a "mass storage" and "battery low".
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what brand is it? there are clones of this cam
what brand is it? there are clones of this cam
It's a Viofo A118c2
you have to press the REC key to stop it recording before you can get into the menu
When it powers on there is no red record light on the screen or the backlight on the housing. I don't understand it since if it isn't recording I should be able to get into menu.

When I remove the sd card it turns off. Then when I turn it on without it in it displays the "insert SD card" or something like that. I CAN however then go into menu. Then if I set the loop timer and insert the sd card it will record with the blinking red lights. I then can turn off Loop and it will record continuously with the red light blinking on the screen and the red backlight lit ON on the cam itself.

don't ever remove or insert cards while the camera is powered on, you can damage the card

what card are you using?

Loop timer should always be left on, don't turn it off

Maybe go into the menu and reset default settings and start again
don't ever remove or insert cards while the camera is powered on, you can damage the card

what card are you using?

Loop timer should always be left on, don't turn it off

Maybe go into the menu and reset default settings and start again

But the loop timer is only 1,3, and 5 minutes. I want to use the continuous recording which I believe is the default option no? Anyhow the way that I explained above I am able to do that. I am not able to do that when I power on.

I am using a Kingston 4C 8gig.
You need loop turned on or the camera is going to stop once the card is full, with a card that small it won't even run for an hour, not the best choice of card
I don't think you're understanding my problem.

I can only record in 1,3 and 5 minute loops. No other time frame.

From my understanding if I have time loop off I should still be able to record. But I am not with my unit. As soon as it powers on it should record. But it is NOT and doesn't even have a blinking red dot on the screen.

Also, factory reset "R" button does nothing.

I also do not see a option to format the SD in the menu.
Format option is in the second menu

If you turn loop off it won't work correctly as a dashcam

The R button is not to reset settings, the reset option is also in the second menu
Watch this video at 5:05. Mine does not do that nor does the screen look like that at power on. I will try take a video of mine.

I'm not saying the screen LOOKS different.... face palm. I'll take a video. I can't believe I'm taking a video of a dash cam.
No idea what you're saying, the copy version features and functions aren't identical though so not a good guide
If you turn loop off it won't work correctly as a dashcam

So you're saying that I can only take videos in 1,3 and 5 minute intervals? That doesn't make sense

What if it cuts off during an integral part of the video. That's bad