Question re: GC Motion Detect Setting


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
More than my wife thinks I need.
Simple question but the answer is not obvious or intuitive. I'm playing around a bit with motion detection on a V1 'GC' running F/W SG20161216.V1 (Update 3). In the menu settings for motion sensitivity is the -2 setting more or less sensitive to motion?
Should be less (logically).
Or does it mean it takes less motion to begin recording? (I know, I'm overthinking this and running myself around in circles. :confused: )
Simple question but the answer is not obvious or intuitive. I'm playing around a bit with motion detection on a V1 'GC' running F/W SG20161216.V1 (Update 3). In the menu settings for motion sensitivity is the -2 setting more or less sensitive to motion?
Have you tried waving your hand in front of the camera at different settings to see what difference it makes?
Have you tried waving your hand in front of the camera at different settings to see what difference it makes?
Not yet. Just started my little experimentation project today which is when I started 'thinking in circles'. :rolleyes:
(-) is less and (+) is more sensitive motion detection.
(-) is less and (+) is more sensitive motion detection.
Thanks, that's pretty much what I thought but then started overthinking. Just finished doing my taxes today and my brain is just a little bit better than oatmeal mush when it comes to functioning. o_O
i am confused like you too. I am not sure but i started confuse after test some kind of dashcams and they are opposite the others.

Thanks, that's pretty much what I thought but then started overthinking. Just finished doing my taxes today and my brain is just a little bit better than oatmeal mush when it comes to functioning. o_O
Thanks, that's pretty much what I thought but then started overthinking. Just finished doing my taxes today and my brain is just a little bit better than oatmeal mush when it comes to functioning. o_O
looks like you'll be ready to afford the new dual cam when its released soon.