Questions about Low Bitrate Recording Parking Mode on the Vantrue N4 - all about specifically how it operates


New Member
Apr 4, 2016
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North Vancouver, BC, Canada
Dash Cam
Vantrue N4, Vantrue R2, TaoTronics TT-CD05, Aukey DR-H1
I've been reading about Low Bitrate Recording (LBR) mode for Parking Mode on the N4. I understand that it's generally described as 720p @ 15fps. However, I have a few specific questions about how it behaves:
  1. Per the firmware update notes where it was added, it's stated that it will go into LBR if it doesn't detect movement for 5 minutes. However, how does it detect that movement? Is it based on the G-Sensor/accelerometer, image based motion detection or something else?
  2. As an extension of the first question, how does it know when to exit parking mode and return to normal driving mode? I.e. when I start driving, how do I know if/when it goes back to full resolution and fps recording?
    EDIT: The release notes for VTN40L.V9 indicate that it "Improve the sensitivity of parking vibration gsensor to avoid the possibility of entering the parking mode during driving." - that would suggest that it uses the G-Sensor/accelerometer?
  3. Does it record on all 3 cameras in Low Bitrate Recording mode? I'll try and experiment to answer this one myself if it's not known. My particular usecase is vandalism detection so the interior camera is important to me (I appreciate others are less concerned about this).
  4. If it detects a collision or significant movement, will it change out of LBR back into full resolution recording? For instance, if it detects a collision with the car, will it record the best images available from that point forward. This may be desirable as it would produce the LBR recording before the collision (e.g. of the car or person approaching) and then a full resolution video which may more clearly identify them after the collision occured.
  5. As an extension of the fourth question, even if it doesn't change out of LBR, does the collision sensor automatic lock still function?
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Hi, im a regular Vantrue N4 user and have them in 3 of my cars. I started using low bitrate a few weeks ago and will answer what I know based on experience.

1. Ive dropped my wife and her Dad off at a few places and waited in the car (my camera runs off an external battery). I noticed after a few minutes it does go into parking mode. It doesn’t matter if I’m moving around in the cab and I’m using my cellphone. People can be walking around the car and it will stay in low bitrate. I can open a door to my car and it will stay in low bitrate. I notice it will come out of low bitrate when people sit down (usually from the sudden movement of weight causing force). And if it doesn’t feel you sitting down then usually closing the door will wake it up.

It will record from all 3 cameras at 720p 15fps. I haven’t noticed any locked files from low bitrate but none of my cars have been hit. I have my g-sensor set to 2.

I’ve looked at my videos from low bitrate and it has never come out of parking mode based on movement around the car. It has only come out of it because some type of force on the car (sitting in it, closing doors, shaking the car).

I know it probably doesn’t answer all of your questions but I hope this helps.
1. The dash cam will detect collision by G-Sensor/accelerometer, if it didn't detect any collision for 5 minutes, it will go into LBR.
2. When it detect collission and it will exit parking mode and return to normal driving mode.
3.Yes, it will record on all 3 cameras in Low Bitrate Recording mode.
4. If it detects a collision or significant movement, it will exit parking mode and return to normal driving mode. So it will be back into full resolution recording.
5. Yes, collision sensor automatic lock will function. It means that the video will be locked and stored in event folder.
What are the bitrates it uses for low bitrate parking mode?
What are the bitrates it uses for low bitrate parking mode?
do you mean the video resolution for low bitrate parking mode? If it didn't detect any collision. It will record at 720p @ 15fps (1500kbps)
Thanks everyone.

Since I posted this, I've got my N4 hooked up and hardwired into the car. Parking mode is working but, for reasons that are NOT the fault of the N4, I'm not getting the battery life I would like out of mine I would like. Admittedly I think this is caused by less driving than most, 12v cut off (not 11.6v) preferred and an AGM battery which isn't as quick to recharge as an FLA one. I'm considering a battery pack but that's a whole new topic.

On the plus side, parking mode is working as expected when it has power :)
Thanks everyone.

Since I posted this, I've got my N4 hooked up and hardwired into the car. Parking mode is working but, for reasons that are NOT the fault of the N4, I'm not getting the battery life I would like out of mine I would like. Admittedly I think this is caused by less driving than most, 12v cut off (not 11.6v) preferred and an AGM battery which isn't as quick to recharge as an FLA one. I'm considering a battery pack but that's a whole new topic.

On the plus side, parking mode is working as expected when it has power :)
Yes parking mode is nice!

I had my N4 cameras hardwired into my cars too but experienced the same issue with not getting the battery life I wanted. I tried both methods of hardwiring (used the Vantrue OBD hardwire Kit and the regular hardwire kit that they have for the N4)

I ended up switching to a battery pack like you have mentioned and much happier with it.
Admittedly I think this is caused by less driving than most, 12v cut off (not 11.6v) preferred and an AGM battery which isn't as quick to recharge as an FLA one.
AGM batteries charge much faster than FLA, and an 11.8v cut off is recommended for AGM; that should give you much longer record time without significant wear. There is a bit of variation between AGM batteries, but in general they operate at slightly lower voltage than FLA and 11.8v is a good setting, 11.6 is a little low, but shouldn't cause problems for AGM unless it is really cold.
On this one the Vantrue hardwire kit only has options for 11.6v or 12v cutoff, nothing inbetween. Also my current driving habits are mostly short trips so there's not much opportunity to recharge.

However, I probably should have added that the Honda Pilot it's wired into may have a somewhat particular alternator that only charges the battery under certain conditions. Don't have anything concrete to point to on this, only forum posts. I also cannot talk specifically about this particular AGM battery that came with the car... among other things, I'd have to remove several cooling vents to even get to it.

Having said that, I would be very pleased if AGM batteries do charge faster because, for unrelated reasons, I think I'm going to put one on my tent trailer.
However, I probably should have added that the Honda Pilot it's wired into may have a somewhat particular alternator that only charges the battery under certain conditions.
If the voltage is low then it probably always charges, once it is close to full then it can choose when to use the power for other things.
Excuse me for dropping in on this conversation , i read on a German site ( I believe it was in the comments on Amazon DE ) that a two guys experienced a complete drained battery.
This was with the hard wire kit of them measured it and even under 11 volts it kept the dashcam on.
I do not wanna talk bad about this cam because i ordered myself one, but i would keep an eye on the voltage the first times.