Rear-View Cam on Front Facing Cam single unit

Hey Hoser

Dec 27, 2019
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Nextbase 522GW
Hi all, please let me know if you are aware of dashcam models that can have the Rear-View Cam directly connected to Front Facing Cam as a single unit,
similar to this:

Through Rear window needed, cabin view not needed

Dashcam sometimes moved and used in more than one car with suction cup and 12V, parking coverage not needed

so far these have been hard to find

Well what Nextbase display there is a interior camera, which granted do film out back but not really suited for capturing anything there bot general movement of a whole car or headlights at night.
For a true rear camera you do need to put that in the rear window.
Granted you could maybe take viofos tele camera ( meant to be aimed forward but it is a little remote camera ) and then aim that backwards thru the car, it might do a little better but again not really a rear camera in its true sense.

For a rear camera there really is no way around putting a camera on the back window, everything else is just a huge compromise.
Here is sample of current 5 year old NB 522GW, got rear-ended last November:

this meets my needs, easily portable between vehicles, but it has become unreliable, so looking for similar new

Thanks for letting me know about Viofo RTC300 Telephoto Camera, could work with A229 Pro 1CH, too bad no suction cup mount

Yes the viofo path is a 2 unit solution, and so not readily swappable between cars.
There are universal mounts with suction cup PPL have used to mount wedge shaped cameras like viofo in a not permanent way, but then you still have the #2 camera to fit in some way.
I suppose you could put a plate on such a universal mount to make the mounting surface a little bigger, so a #2 little camera unit could be placed beside the main camera.
There are a few types ( often used for mounting radar detectors ) this one is with the biggest " pad" to attach to.
Fit the main unit perfect in most cases.


Personally i have often mounted interior cameras on the stalk of my roof mounted mirror, that is nice and put the camera right smack in the middle of the car and up high, only offset by how much the design of the camera make it.

Another option you could do is, take one of the 2 in 1 dashcams with a front and interior camera, and then change the wide angle lens on the interior camera to a tele one ( most often 8 - 12 mm lens )
But that is not strait forward, necessitate some DIY skills and brave to take apart a brand new dashcam to modify it like that.

I have driven with multiple cameras in my car for over a decade, and also been rear ended, and dident get that as my rear single camera was on a too long too cheap USB wire from a power source in the front.
But also no need for direct video, my insurance was happy with the front camera showing me stopping for a pedestrian like the law say i must, girl behind me also stopped, but phone junkie in big 4 X 4 behind her did not stop.

Also shared mutch footage of idiots on the Danish roads in the past decade, but that is most often from the front camera, even if i also got side cameras too at a early stage, pretty much just B roll footage i have taken from side and rear cameras.

My little red lightning got banged up good back then.

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