Recommended Settings


Active Member
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
United States
Dash Cam
Just installed today. Took some time to adjust everything. I’ve downloaded the latest firmware and will be installing in the morning. I know this will reset my settings.

The iOS app shows a black screen when trying to preview live. I’m anticipating the firmware update will resolve this.

What are the recommended settings for video quality?
I wonder if the 2K @ 60fps is better for license plates vs 4K @ 30fps.

I’ve also set the bit rate to the highest quality with every cam I’ve owned previously.

I’m open to anything.
Hello Venezian.

Videoquality with a documentation-device means precise structure-capturing (in dashcam-case mostly license-plates). The only thing that helps with this is the amount of light reaching the sensor because increased light-energy forces shorter shutterspeeds which leads to sharp(er) structures. The faster the relative speed of the documentation-device to an object, the more lightenergy is needed. Which also means: It doesn´t matter if 30fps or 60. 60 only means double the shutter clapping per second but with the same shutter-speed as with 30 in the same lighting conditions at the same relative speed which doesn´t help at all when the basic amount of light is not enough to force short enough shutter-speeds to capture a sharp representation of for example a license-plate. It only shows double the amount of unsharp plates ... (but: 60 is double the amount of chances IF the documentation-device´s movement to an object isn´t a linear but A WOBBLY one, means: double the amount of chances that three-dimensional relative speed differences between the documentationdevice and an object are at minimum at the time of shutter activity).

Highest bitrate: Yes. Lightenergy and bitrate are the most dominant parameters one cannot have enough of. Followed by: resolution (but: higher resolution on a same size sensor may produce less sufficiant videomaterial because the smaller pixels are less lightsensitive thus the signal to noise ratio increases and hides details in a snowstrom.)
The iOS app shows a black screen when trying to preview live. I’m anticipating the firmware update will resolve this.
There is a specific FAQ on the Viofo website page for A139 pro for the problem of getting a black screen on iPhone during live preview. The link to that specific FAQ page is:
Scroll down to find the FAQ on the page.

I haven't had this problem (yet) on my just-installed A139... so I don't know if their solution works. But it's easy enough for you to try if you haven't already done so.
There is a specific FAQ on the Viofo website page for A139 pro for the problem of getting a black screen on iPhone during live preview. The link to that specific FAQ page is:
Scroll down to find the FAQ on the page.

I haven't had this problem (yet) on my just-installed A139... so I don't know if their solution works. But it's easy enough for you to try if you haven't already done so.
Yup. Eventually find my way to that page and it made sense. Just had to switch cellular off.

So far quite happy with the camera.