

New Member
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Despite trying the Recycle setting options to 1min, 3min and 5min the unit refuses to overwrite existing files. When the external card is full the unit just stops recording and won't start again until I delete some files. Does anyone have suggestions for fixing this please?
Do you have motion detect off?

What memory card and size is it and how did you format it?
Do you have motion detect off?

What memory card and size is it and how did you format it?

Hi Nigel,
I have motion detect off and am using Samsung 32mg type 6 card. Unit did not offer formatting when card was installed, just worked.
Do you have the g-sensor protecting all the files so that none can be deleted?

Turn the g-sensor off to find out if it is the cause...

(was the card new and empty when first installed in the camera?)
The g-sensor is off and the card was brand new and empty when 1st installed
Just bringing up an old post as I too now have the same problem with the recycle/loop not rewriting over the first files once the card is full. Once card is full the unit turns off.

I have tried changing the 'timer' of 1 min, 3 min and 5 min, but nothing fixed it.

I have updated the software to 20140919, but hasn't fixed the problem (this software is for gps + 2 cards. mine is gps + 1 card but think the 1 card software will make a difference. The 2 card s/ware has a much better thumbs up rate).

The G-sensor and motion detection are both off.

The only way I can fix this is to format the card (done on PC and within unit) once the card is full and all ok until it fills up again and turns off.

(The card is the original since I got the unit and all ok. This problem has only occurred since receiving a replacement 0803 for a faulty one)

Any help greatly appreciated.
Cheers for the reply jokiin.

I have 2 0803's (front and rear) and did swap the cards around but the same problem as described.
maybe it is the battery then. I think maybe I just have to keep formatting the rear/faulty unit each time it stops - other than trying to replace the battery in hope that could be the problem.
You could try disconnecting the battery first and then running it for a while to see if it loops. A bad battery can cause more issues than no battery, but with no battery you go back to default and lose the last recording.
Many times if I start and stop my car too quickly my supercap drains to empty and the camera resets to default. The good news is that with the GPS you'll get time back after 1-2 files. ;)
Thanks for the suggestion mr_milo.

I don't need it to have a battery as it is permanently in the car and is powered from car socket.

I'll give it a go and disconnect the battery. I don't mind it going back to default, but I presume you mean this will only be once (on disconnecting) and not continue to record and then default each time after all recordings?
It will go back to defaults each time the power is removed. The recorded files will be there but since it returns to defaults you will get a few recordings at each power on which have the default time / date. This could be a problem if you frequently power on /off the camera and it could cause it to be difficult to see if it's looping. If you disconnect the battery I suggest you just run it constantly just to test if it loops. Then you could decide it you want / need to replace the battery. You if you want to really get crazy you could supercap it if you can deal with the looks of an external cap.
oh ok, that's a bugga.
I unfortunately wont be able to run it constantly as it will take too long.
I may have to put up with it and just format when needed - or look at putting a new battery in.
Thanks for your advice and suggestions mate.
I don't need it to have a battery as it is permanently in the car and is powered from car socket. I'll give it a go and disconnect the battery.

If the power supply is disconnected in an accident, the critical file containing the accident video evidence will be corrupted or lost. A dashcam without a functional internal battery or capacitor isn't fit for purpose.