Recycling problem


New Member
Jul 21, 2014
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I just receive my Mini 0803 a few days ago from E-prance. Unfortunately I am having problems since I bought it. The last one that I couldn't solve is about recycling, when the memory card is full normally it was deleting from beginning. Today it doesn't work and camera starts to record for a few second than a beep sound comes out and then stops recording. Recycling was 5 minute, then I made it 3 minutes and it works. It still is not working on 5 minutes recycling.

Thank you all for any help.
Kingmax class 6 32 Gb, I order it with camera from E-Prance.
so working fine on 3min recycle, but not working on 5 minute recycle, is that correct?

if so then it may be a firmware bug
Interestingly it also didn't work on 1 minute. I will try it again after I format memory card.
when the memory card is full normally it was deleting from beginning. Today it doesn't work and camera starts to record for a few second than a beep sound comes out and then stops recording.
The only time that has happened to me was because there was a corrupt file on the card, caused by removing the card from the camera while it was still recording.

You could also try turning off the G-Sensor. If it ends up with a disk full of locked files then it will stop recording.