Registrator Viewer Issue(s)


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
More than my wife thinks I need.
Just today it seems that RV has been getting 'script errors' (used to occur only when using Google Maps) or 'credential errors' whenever I run it. This happens on multiple computers and regardless of which maps I set it to use.

Anyone else experiencing this?

I suspect this may mark the 'end of life' for the GPS mapping function of the program. :(
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Update: RV will work to some degree without the above mentioned errors when used either Yandex, Navitel, or Baidu map selections (just noticed this as I had only tried English language maps earlier). All others will fail. FWIW the Baidu maps provide the greatest level of detail for me.

Edit: Playing around some more I found that selecting 'Leaflet - ........' and click OK in the warning box that it works as well. More playing is in order.
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are you using the version from our website or another?

Probably for your support page but I can't be sure of that.

This just started happening today (that's when I first noticed). I suspect some certificate has expired but I'm not sure exactly what's involved.

Still playing to determine what works and what doesn't - and in what combination(s).
download the one from our page and see if the same, there's a registry fix included with the download
I'll get on that right now.
download the one from our page and see if the same, there's a registry fix included with the download
OK, just did the D/L ( and applied the registry fix - thanks for that. (y) Works just fine now with Google maps (something did not do, and still does not even with the reg fix). However, some (all?) of the behaviors described above are still there with which leads me to believe some other 'credentials' have expired and need renewal.

Also noticed that .22 is much larger than .8. I recall some discussion months ago that .22 is a development version that has 'debug' code in it so that would account for the size.

I'll continue to play around with it - but given that Google maps is my preference and is now working it won't be high on my priority list. Winter here in the northern hemisphere is approaching and some outside maintenance is demanding attention before the snow flies. :(
download the one from our page and see if the same, there's a registry fix included with the download

Hi, I stumbled on this thread whilst looking for a solution to my problem with a Lukas 7900 Ace - the Lukas Viewer is no longer displaying the Google Maps.

I wonder if this software will show me the maps I want to see? I would like to try it but I dont know what you mean by 'download the one from our page'.

Please can you provide a link to the page you are referring to? I will experiment and if it helps I will add a post to my previous posts concerning this error.

Thanks in advance,

Roger B
not sure if your Lukas camera is supported by Registrator Viewer, the only model they ever listed as supported was the Lukas LK3700G

you can download it from the support page of our website at
not sure if your Lukas camera is supported by Registrator Viewer, the only model they ever listed as supported was the Lukas LK3700G

you can download it from the support page of our website at[/QUOTE

Ah thank you very much. It will be worth a try! I will report back on the rsults.

I also have a little issue with RegistratorViewer.
I hope it's okay to post it here in this thread.

Does anyone know how to deactivate the autoload function?

I don't want Registrator Viewer to load hundred of dash cam clips automatically.

I'm using version
I also have a little issue with RegistratorViewer.
I hope it's okay to post it here in this thread.

Does anyone know how to deactivate the autoload function?

I don't want Registrator Viewer to load hundred of dash cam clips automatically.

I'm using version

try open Registrator Viewer before you plug your USB in, I know when you open the program it looks at the USB, if there's nothing there it may stop looking after that, surprised it's still working with maps if you have though