Repair software


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2013
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Sydney, Australia ~ Shenzhen, China
Dash Cam
Too many ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Had a customer come into us that had a 5+ year old camera (still using the original memory card, hadn't been formatted since at least 2015 either) that needed to recover a file of an incident for legal purposes and the card had about 10% of files that were corrupt, of course as things normally go that included the file he needed

Said I'd see what we could do but really didn't expect to have any luck given the age of the card and lack of formatting for 5 years, tried some free solutions I could find and nothing worked, found some software that had a free trial so I thought I'd give it a try, it gave me a 10 second preview of a working file which looked promising, paid the money and bought a full version and it did the trick, was able to completely recover the file from the corrupt card, process was quite simple, choose the file, give it a known working file from the same camera and it did its thing, only took about 30 seconds to repair a 3 minute video

This is the program I ended up using

Lets hope that guy learned his lesson then, cuz i assume you gave him the " dashcams are not set and forget devises" talk.
Now that you have the full version, you have yet another chance to do outstanding customer care for SG owners in peril. :cool:
OMG :eek: someone need to do a youtube video tutorial on dashcams and how to use them in general, if you don't do your few precautions you stand a big chance of getting burned, no matter the brand of camera and memory card.
Hi, I used this video repair software on my corrupt MP4 files in my SD card. It's worked for me ease of use, fast speed and seamless repair capabilities. Thanks!
Yeah, I have also used this software, had its paid version and it really worked well for recovering my corrupt videos. Also, it is safe and secure from any kind of virus threats.