Replacement battery for 70 Mai pro

Pablo la costa

New Member
Jan 29, 2023
Reaction score
United Kingdom
The internal battery of my 70 Mai pro has died, a common problem according to YouTube. I'm finding it impossible to find a replacement, can anybody tell me where I can buy one?
If I were to buy the Xiaomi hardwire kit would that make a replacement battery unnecessary?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the reply but I've tried AliExpress as I did a Google search for the battery and AliExpress came up but when I tried it it said there were no results for the battery. Same when I click on the link that you posted.
Thanks for the reply but I've tried AliExpress as I did a Google search for the battery and AliExpress came up but when I tried it it said there were no results for the battery. Same when I click on the link that you posted.

I'm not sure I quite understand. The AliExpress page I posted a link to is replete with 70 Mai replacement batteries including the 70 Mai Pro.

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I'm attaching a screen shot of what I get when I click on the link that you kindly posted.
For some reason that link to AliExpress just wouldn't work on my phone, well it opened AliExpress but said the battery wasn't available. Anyway tried on my laptop and it worked. Replacement battery ordered £15, for two including postage if anyone is interested, so all good. Thanks for your help.
For some reason that link to AliExpress just wouldn't work on my phone, well it opened AliExpress but said the battery wasn't available. Anyway tried on my laptop and it worked. Replacement battery ordered £15, for two including postage if anyone is interested, so all good. Thanks for your help.

Unfortunately, algorithms and behavioral marketing have broken the internet. Two people may not see the same thing, especially between a phone and a computer. There have been numerous academic studies about how all this works these days.

In any case, glad you found the battery you were seeking.
For some reason that link to AliExpress just wouldn't work on my phone, well it opened AliExpress but said the battery wasn't available. Anyway tried on my laptop and it worked. Replacement battery ordered £15, for two including postage if anyone is interested, so all good. Thanks for your help
Thanks again Dashmellow.
One more thing would you know if the hardwire kit for this dash cam would extend the battery life.